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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
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Prayer for Hiroshima/Nagasaki Observance

(Based in part on Psalm 65)

by Arch B. Taylor, Jr.

Praise is due to You, O God, in all the earth.
Eternal Spirit, Source of all life,
in every heart the impulse to live,
the desire for acceptance,
the longing for community —
To You we raise the prayers which You inspire.

Praise is due to You in heaven and on earth,
for when transgressions overwhelm us, You forgive us.

Spirit of holiness and compassion, look with pity on Your people —
Your people Iraq
Your people Japan
Your people America

Your erring, suffering people everywhere:

wrongdoers and victims
oppressors and oppressed
strong and weak
wrathful and vengeful.

All of us are all of these; we cannot separate them from us.
Spirit of Truth, open our eyes and our minds to the truth.
All flesh must come to you, because of sins.
Truly, transgressions overwhelm us; therefore, forgive!

Spirit of Power, enable us, forgiven, to forgive.
Spirit of Peace, reconcile us to Yourself, and to one another,
till in all the earth we give You the praise that is Your due. Amen.

A retired Presbyterian minister, Arch Taylor served for more than 30 years as a missionary in Japan and taught Bible at Shikoku Gakuin University (Shikoku Christian College).

Prayer of Confession

by Rachel Pedersen

Oh God of Mercy and Justice, we are in need of both. We have turned from your commandments. We have scoffed at your word. We have been filled with pride and blinded by our perceived powers. We take the knowledge you have given us and perverted it to destroy your creation. We have turned our back on the suffering of your children and caused harm to others. We have actively worked towards the destruction of your creation. God we deserve your justice, but we desire your mercy. Take us as broken people, transform us and make us whole. Guide us to see all people as your children. Use us, God, that we might take steps to heal the hurt we have caused. Lead us to seek peace. Through Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.

Two Prayers for Hiroshima Day

Grant us the awareness that true security lies not in weapons systems.

Grant us the grace to repent our arrogance that allows us to create and rely on nuclear weapons.

Grant us the wisdom to conceive a world free from nuclear weapons.

Grant us the courage to work for that day.

We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— The Rev. W. Mark Koenig, coordinator, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program

This prayer is found in the new collection from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, Justice and Peace Shall Kiss: Praying through the Year.

Gracious God, we confess that violence and hatred, fear and resentment pervade our world. We confess the futility of using weapons to resolve disputes and conflicts; the folly of relying on weapons of extreme destructive power to provide security; the hypocrisy of those nations that accept nuclear weapons being held by themselves or their allies but not by others; and the waste of creating such weapons. Forgive us and set us free. May your Holy Spirit blow afresh throughout the world this day, reminding all rulers and peoples of the horror of nuclear weapons. Grant us all the desire to halt the proliferation and production of nuclear weapons, the resolve to rid the world of nuclear weapons, and the courage to end the reliance on military force to resolve political and economic disputes. Give to all your children a vision of a world where weapons have been banished, and everyone works for the wellbeing of humankind and your creation. God, who created this world and revealed your love for all people in Jesus Christ, empower us to work for peace with justice. Lord, hear our prayer. We join the cry that goes up around the world this day: Hiroshima, never again. In the name of the Christ. Amen.

— Inspired by a prayer found on John Mark Ministries.


Hymn Suggestions

The following hymns from the Presbyterian Hymnal may be appropriate for Hiroshima Day worship.

86 - When We are Tempted to Deny Your Son
134 - Creating God, Your Fingers Trace
259 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
267 - O God of Love, O God of Peace
291 - O God of Earth and Altar
367 - Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
374 - Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace
386 - O for a World
401 - When Will People Cease Their Fighting
432 - Canto de Esperanza
450 - O Day of Peace
465 - Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather
537 - Shalom, Chaverim!