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Brian Frick is the Associate for Camp and Conferences Ministries with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He has been involved in camp and conference ministry since high school. For the past ten years, Brian has served as program director of Johnsonburg Center in New Jersey, Westminster Woods in California, and Heartland Center in Missouri.

Camp and conference ministry compliments and partners with other ministry aspects of our church to foster faith development and reflection. As our communities and our church changes, our ministries need to grow and adapt with creative and emergent programming and leadership to meet new realities.

These blogs entries, though varied, are intended to spur thought and conversation around the opportunities and challenges before us.

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August 24, 2009

More numerous than the stars in the sky...

2009 Ghost Ranch Milkyway_edited-1 Looking up in the night sky at Ghost Ranch (yes, this is a real picture I took this week) I can't help but think of God's promise to Abraham.  Nothing too profound - but it God's promise really strikes home when you see the sky as it was in Abraham's day (well almost, there were still some lights "polluting" the sky).  I get out to "places apart" on a regular basis.  When I remember to look up and allow myself to be still and to experience the awe, it is humbling.
Ghost Ranch, and our other centers truly are blessings.  How can you fully comprehend the promise to Abraham without experiencing a sky such as this?  What other things can we not experience until we get away from the busyness that is our modern life?
(side note - I wish I  knew how to use my camera better, because even this picture doesn't fully capture the stunning beauty of the Milkyway stretching across the center of the sky, and the streaks of the meteors flashing by as "falling stars.")  I truly am blessed.