We are called by God to be artists of a new creation. This creative vocation is a sign of the new life that is ours in Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we have received gifts of curiosity, imagination, playfulness and delight, of poetry and song, dance, drama and vision. How will you use those sacred gifts? We hope that the resources in this Web site will offer you ideas and inspiration as you seek to respond to your creative calling.
Find art for use in worship
Perhaps you’re looking for a bulletin cover or projection graphic for this Sunday’s service. Or perhaps you’re seeking images and ideas that will spark your creativity as you work on a sermon or plan the liturgy. Discover some online resources you may find helpful.
Do you know of another great Web site related to worship and the arts? Tell us about it. Email David Gambrell.
Spark your creative reflection with weekly assignments
Try these weekly creative “assignments” based on the lectionary passages. These concrete ideas will spark your creative reflection on the Scripture readings for upcoming Sundays in the Revised Common Lectionary.Get to know other artists and their work
Would you like to meet other liturgical artists and get to know their work? Are you interested in learning about organizations and events that support an
Get to know other artists and their work
Would you like to meet other liturgical artists and get to know their work? Are you interested in learning about organizations and events that support and promote creative worship? Find ways to connect.