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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Day 1: Fasting, a Sacrificial Act

The Rev. Noelle Damico, Associate for Fair Food, Presbyterian Hunger Program


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness/justice for they will be filled.”  (Matthew 5:6)


Today begins the Fast for Fair Food as fifty farmworkers and their allies gather outside of Publix headquarters in Lakeland, Florida.  Men and women who harvest in the fields or who purchase tomatoes in the grocery aisles are sacrificing food that would nourish their bodies in order to nourish the budding of human rights and true corporate social responsibility. The sacrifice is more than food. For those who regularly earn poverty wages, giving up six days of labor is precarious for their families.  For everyone it is a sacrifice of time, of proximity to loved ones, and, potentially, of health.  It is a sign not only of their consciousness of, but also of their commitment to changing both exploitation in the fields and Publix’s evasion of its responsibility.

Why make such a sacrifice?  Darinel Sales a member of CIW explains, “We are fasting today so that tomorrow none of our children are forced to surrender their dignity or to suffer hunger just to work. We are fasting so that the people in charge of Publix can soften their hearts and sit with us to construct a reality in which prosperity is not based on the blood, sweat, and humiliation of farmworkers."

Why make such a sacrifice?  Susan Sampson, member of Seffner Presbyterian Church confesses the connection between consumers and farmworkers, “I am fasting today, because without farmworkers, I would have to every day.”

The ground outside Publix Grocery headquarters is hallowed by this sacrifice that makes plain the daily suffering endured by farmworkers and the clear alternative to this suffering:  that Publix participate in the Fair Food Program.  May this fast awaken the consciences of Publix’s leaders to the moral choice that lies before them.

Question for further reflection

How is “giving up” related to “taking on?”


Loving God, you have created us for life together.  Through this fast, draw us closer to each other whether we are in Lakeland or afar.  Lead us closer to your good purpose for our world. (Intercessions) You are the Holy One who can make a way where there is no way.  And so through prayer, perseverance and hope, we stretch toward your kingdom, without and within.  As we initiate this fast today, we remember with thanksgiving the 10 corporations that are already participating in the Fair Food Program.  We give thanks for the participation of fast food companies Yum! Brands (Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut…), McDonald’s, Burger King, Subway; we give thanks for the participation of foodservice providers Compass Group, Bon Appetit, Aramark and Sodexo; and we give thanks for the participation of supermarkets Whole Foods and Trader Joes.  And therefore it is in hope and with expectation that we undertake this time of fasting and prayer.  In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.
