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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Educational resources

General Assembly policy

The 217th General Assembly passed a resolution in support of an ongoing partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Campaign for Fair Food in 2006. Read the resolution. Prior to this, the 214th GA voted to support the Taco Bell boycott in 2002 and the General Assembly Mission Council celebrated the CIW-Yum! Brands agreement in 2005.  The PC(USA) and its predecessor bodies have supported fair wages for farmworkers, the right for farmworkers to bargain collectively and a variety of boycotts over the last century as a nonviolent way to express our Christian values and urge social change.  Key theological statements by the General Assembly which undergird the PC(USA) Campaign for Fair Food’s ongoing work are “God’s Work in Our Hands” (1995) and “Christian Faith and Economic Justice” (1984).

A New Day in the Florida Fields:

The CIW’s Ground-breaking Fair Food Agreement with the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange; over 90% of Florida fields covered by the Fair Food Program

The More things Change?” Comparing conditions in the fields outside the Fair Food Program with those within the Fair Food Program

You Allow it or they Fire You” Showing how the Fair Food Program is making headway against the endemic problem of sexual harassment.

Why a Penny per Pound Matters” A narrative depiction by the Ft. Myers News Press.

Brief overview of the Campaign for Fair Food

The PC(USA) has been working as a partner with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and allies from the religious, human rights and student communities to improve wages and working conditions for farmworkers harvesting tomatoes in Florida.  This two-page brief provides a summary of the work of the campaign, its history, grounding in PC(USA) teaching and current efforts.


'I Dream of Immokalee' by Cheryl Queen, vice president of communications for Compass Group

In this poignant article from Horizon Magazine’s March/April 2010 issue, Cheryl Queen, member of Myers Park Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, N.C., and vice president of communications for Compass Group North America, the nation’s largest foodservice provider, discusses how “open-hearted” faith led her and her colleagues at Compass to work with the CIW to address modern-day slavery in the Florida tomato fields and end the poverty and powerlessness of farmworkers that are at the root of this slavery.

A Window into the Campaign for Fair Food

PRISM, the magazine of Evangelicals for Social Action, features the Campaign for Fair Food. Read more →

Show mercy

A brief reflection the PC(USA)’s partnership work with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers through the Campaign for Fair Food by the Rev. Noelle Damico


Fair Food educational curricula for pre-K through adult

Visit Fair Food Curricula.

CIW’s agreements with Food Buyers

Human trafficking materials
