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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Supermarket Campaign

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the church are asking supermarkets to do what eleven other retail food corporations have already done:  join the Fair Food Program.  Through the Fair Food Program, retail food corporations agree to two things. 

1) To pay at least 1 penny more per pound of tomatoes to the growers who supply them.  Those growers then pass that increase onto workers.  The increase is audited by the Fair Food Standards Council, a third party monitor, to ensure the increase gets to farmworkers.

2) Purchase their Florida tomatoes only from growers participating in the Fair Food Program and upholding the fair food code of conduct and suspend purchases from those growers found to be in violation of the Code until they correct such violations.

Learn More about the Specific Campaigns








Publix – Southeast United States

Kroger – South, Midwest, West. Also see Kroger-owned stores.

