What We Do
Season of Peace
Path of Peace Daily Reflections
Receive a daily peace reflection, action item and prayer. Churches may link to the online version of this calendar from their website or social media pages. The daily reminders/links via electronic subscription will help keep you on track. Join the Facebook page to exchange ideas and promote mutual encouragement.
The 2015 Path of Peace daily reflections are organized around weekly themes written and compiled by 4 different authors:
Week 1) Peace in the Family/Nonviolence in our Households, compiled by Linda Babcock, Orchard Park Presbyterian Church in Orchard Park, NY
Week 2) Peace in the Community/Neighborhood, written by Phil Lloyd-Sidle, Louisville, KY
Week 3) Human Rights, written by Bruce Reyes Chow, San Francisco Presbytery
Week 4) We Are Stronger Together/Thinking About Our Systems and Structures, written by Matt Gaventa, Amherst Presbyterian Church, Amherst, VA.
Download the 2015 Path of Peace Introduction and Writer Bios PDF
Download the 2015 Path of Peace Introduction and Writer Bios WORD
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Download the Entire 2015 Path of Peace Daily Reflection Resource
You can also receive the entire resource to PDF or Word format to use in church newsletters or bulletins, on websites or to assemble into a devotional booklet to be used during the Season of Peace.