Prayers of Confession
Gracious God,
we are a people formed by your Word in Christ;
but we have wandered away from your truth,
we have broken your commandments,
we have distorted your teachings to serve our own ends,
we have failed to trust your promises,
we have refused your mercy.
Ground us again, O Holy One,
in the written wisdom of Scripture
and in the living Word which is Christ Jesus.
Nourish us on the bread of his teachings
until we can taste your goodness.
Renew us at the fountain of his wisdom,
so we may find joy in obedience
and freedom in giving ourselves to you. Amen.
Manna God, who fed Israel in the wilderness,
we confess that we have not fed your world.
People go to bed hungry
who could be nourished just on what we throw away,
and we are divided from our sisters and brothers in grace.
Forgive us, Lord,
and multiply the loaves of your generosity in us
until all your children are fed and satisfied.
Manna God, on whom alone we depend,
we confess that we have turned away
from the living bread you offer in Jesus Christ,
preferring to rely on self instead.
We find it safer to make our own bread,
trust our own abilities,
than to live each day from your hand.
Forgive us, Lord,
and multiply the loaves of your grace in our hearts
until we can receive again your mercy, in Christ. Amen.