Apply for a grant
Vamos Unidos explains how to apply for an SDOP grant
VAMOS UNIDOS is a community-based organization of low-income Latino immigrant street vendors. They have organized for social justice, economic self-sufficiency and political consciousness. By forming the organization they are able to work collectively for the benefit of all.
Apply for an SDOP grant today
The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People (SDOP) is prepared to establish partnerships with groups in the United States who:
- are oppressed by poverty and social systems,
- want to take charge of their own lives,
- have organized or are organizing to do something about their own conditions,
- have decided that what they are going to do will produce long term changes for their lives or communities,
- utilize some combination of the SDOP core strategies to promote justice, build solidarity, advance human dignity, advocate for economic equity,
- will control the programs they own and will benefit from them directly.
Partnerships are initiated by applications to the Self-Development of People Committee and are evaluated using Self-Development’s funding criteria and overarching SDOP program measures.