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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) water projects)

La Cerca: Two communities and over 1,500 people are using the water.  The residents are very grateful.  Resident, Hilario Cleto said, “We have no way to thank you.  Our water was contaminated, but this new water is clean and good.  We drink it.  Our community used to be full of skinny ugly people suffering from parasites, but now we are fat and beautiful!”  The community takes up a collection each month to pay the electric bill. 

Bosque Arriba: Unfortunately, there well has become contaminated.  They have stopped using the water because it was discolored, smells bad, and was giving them skin rashes.  They ask that we come back and build them a new well. 

Cojobal: After several unsuccessful attempts to find water in the community, BRA has decided to temporarily pump in water from the nearby river to a holding tank where it can be treated with bleach and then pumped into several distribution points that have been constructed around the community.  The community is evaluating along with BRA the possibility of trying one more time to see if there is a way to build a well near the river assuming there must be some water there.  This is not ideal because it would be easily contaminated, but there seem to be few options for the community. 
