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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Diversity in Leadership Network
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Meet the mentors

Arthur W. Canada, Sr.

Art lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is the pastor of McClintock Presbyterian Church in Charlotte; Presbytery of Charlotte, Synod of Mid-Atlantic.

Art received his M.Div. from Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary and his Doctorate of Ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary. He has worked with at risk and youth in the Charlotte – Mecklenburg School System and was the former president of Charlotte Chapter of SCLC.

Warner Durnell

Warner Durnell is the Executive Presbyter of Middle Tennessee. A native of West Chester, Pennsylvania, and a graduate of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, his seminary education was acquired from the Interdenominational Theological Center of Atlanta and Columbia Theological Seminary of Decatur, Georgia. He has served pastorates in Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; and Nashville, TN.

He has served as the Executive Presbyter of North Alabama Presbytery and as an Associate Executive for the Synod of Living Waters.

Arlene Gordon

Arlene Gordon is a retired Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Tropical Florida. Previously, she was Interim Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Detroit, Associate for Resource Center Development and Educational Ministry Advocates Support for the General Assembly offices of the PC(USA), and held many positions with the federal government, including Acting Director of the Office of Child Support Enforcement in San Francisco.

Her MDiv degree is from San Francisco Theological Seminary and she holds a Dmin from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.

Curtis Kearns

Curtis Kearns is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University and Princeton Theological Seminary and holds a Doctor of Divinity degree from the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta. He served as the Executive Administrator for the Presbyterian Church's General Assembly Mission Council. Previously, he served three terms as Director of the National Ministries Division.

His service to the church has been, and continues to be, one with a domestic mission focus, but with a true vision of the church universal and an appreciation for the truly diverse and inclusive community the PC(USA) can become.

Joyce A. Smith

Joyce is a retired Administrative Assistant, Banker and Travel Agent and resides with her husband, Rudolph Smith, in Columbus, OH where she is presently a member of Bethany Presbyterian Church. In the Presbytery of Scioto Valley, she has served as Treasurer, Moderator and a member of the Executive Council, Committee on Preparation for Ministry and the Certified Lay Pastor (CRE) and Nominating Committees. She is presently serving on the Worship Committee.

She is active with the Presbyterian Women having served as Moderator and Financial Secretary of the local congregation PW, Treasurer of the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery and just completed a three year term as Finance Chair of The Churchwide Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA). She is also serving on the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program Board of the PC(USA). She has served on the Session, Deacon and Joyce B. Smith Trustee Boards in local congregations in Louisville, KY and Columbus, OH.
