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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Human Resources
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A day at work

As the Presbyterian Mission Agency seeks to carry out its mission to be a visible witness of Jesus Christ in service of the whole Presbyterian Church, our work is organized into mission ministry areas, supported by Communications, Funds Development and Shared Services.


Compassion, Peace and Justice nurtures and equips congregations and governing bodies to address injustice in all arenas of life and to advocate for peaceful solutions to conflict. Work areas and offices carry out this ministry through networks, events, publications, grassroots efforts and ecumenical partnerships.

Evangelism and Church Growth equips, empowers and inspires individuals, congregations and governing bodies to share their personal faith in Christ and to become connected to a community of faith. This work is done in partnership with synods and presbyteries. Work area offices carry out this ministry by coaching and training leaders to plant new churches, to transform existing congregations and to effectively share and live out the gospel in our increasingly multicultural world.

Racial Ethnic and Women’s Ministries/Presbyterian Women seeks to develop leaders, to work for racial and gender justice and equality, and to cultivate Presbyterian communities of faith that truly reflect the increasing multicultural makeup of our society. Staff members carry out this ministry through networks, events, publications, communication, advocacy and financial support.

Theology, Worship and Education assists the whole church in its common calling to explore the riches of the gospel, worship the one Triune God, and strengthen the ministries of the church. In partnership with congregations, presbyteries and seminaries, Theology, Worship and Education develops educational materials, worship resources, leader development programs, spiritual enrichment processes and theological studies that support the church’s faith and life.

World Mission discerns and responds to the renewed call from God to face the challenges of witnessing and evangelizing worldwide, equipping the church for transforming mission, engaging in ministries of reconciliation, justice, healing and grace and living the Good News of Jesus Christ in community with people who are poor. Distinctive commitments shape the engagement and involvement of Presbyterians in mission that include joining in partnership, working ecumenically, developing leaders, connecting mission near and far and sharing people and resources.


Communications seeks to connect and engage Presbyterians with the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency by telling compelling stories of transformation and inspire ever more faithful discipleship by members, congregations, sessions and mid councils.

Communications includes the following:

  • Mission Communications
  • Media & Publishing
  • News Service

Funds Development

Funds Development seeks to connect and engage Presbyterians with the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, and invite faithful stewardship. When invited, Presbyterians give generously of their time, talent and treasures giving visible witness of Jesus Christ through the world.

Funds Development includes the following:

  • Funds Development Services
  • Relationship and Development Operations
  • Special Offerings

Shared Services

Shared Services faithfully receives, records and reconciles contributions offered to the church from congregations and presbyteries. Shared Services assists the ministry areas in budgeting, disbursing, documenting and financial reporting. Shared Services prints, packages, mails and distributes denominational materials to congregations, middle governing bodies and to mission fields across the nation and the world.

Shared Services includes the following:

  • Information Technology
  • Distribution
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Facilities