2015 Middle Eastern
Amgad Megally and on the left is Amir Tawadrous who were ordained March 28, 2015
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Rev. Dr. George Shaker Elyas, Vice President of the Evangelical Church of Egypt & Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of the Nile
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Rev. Dr. Magdy Girgis (Middle Eastern Rep., Presbyterian Mission Agency), Rev. Nabil Labib Ghaly (Chairman of the Council of Pastors’ Affairs), Rev. Dr. George Shaker Elyas (Vice President of the Evan
About the Office of Middle Eastern Emerging Ministries

Armenian Presbyterian Church New Jersey 1927-1970.
The office of Middle Eastern Emerging Ministries provides spiritual and organizational services to enable the growth and enhance the ministry of Middle Eastern Presbyterian churches and fellowships in the United States.
Presbyterian Middle Eastern Americans trace their Reformed roots to Presbyterian missions in the Middle East in the mid-19th century. Here in the United States, Middle Eastern Christian immigrants started to join the Presbyterian Church more than a century ago.
In 1898, the Armenian Presbyterian Mission of West Hoboken was organized to minister to refugees from the 1895 Turkish massacres and was officially recognized by the Jersey City Presbytery. The Mission later became the Armenian Presbyterian Church in New Jersey.
In 1899, a small group of Lebanese immigrants met regularly for worship in an apartment in Fall River, Massachusetts. The group eventually became affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, first as a mission and in 1934 as a church.
The first Assyrian Presbyterian Church in the United States was established in Chicago in 1910 as the Carter Memorial Persian Assyrian Presbyterian Church.

St. John's Assyrian Turlock
Today, there are more than 60 Presbyterian congregations and fellowships throughout the United States worshiping in different languages, including Persian, Assyrian, Armenian and Arabic. This, indeed, is a reflection of the work of the Holy Spirit among us and a testament to the enduring witness of Middle Eastern Christians in Diaspora.
Get the Directory of Presbyterian Middle Eastern Congregations, Fellowships, and Ecumenical Partners.
In partnership with its Advisory Committee and the National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus, the office of Middle Eastern Emerging Ministries provides the following services:
- Assists presbyteries in forming new worshiping communities for Middle Eastern immigrants.
- Coordinates leadership training events for clergy and laity.
- Creates and produces language-specific resources.
- Advocates for the participation of women and youth in all ordained leadership roles in the church.
- Acts as a bridge of dialogue promoting educational and cultural understanding