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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Native American Congregational Support
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I Love to Tell the Story: Native American Stories


Talmaks: Camp Meeting of the Nez Perce Presbyterians

Myra Rosalias


On July 6th, while attending the Talmaks (TALL-MUKS) camp meeting of the Nez Perce Presbyterian churches, in north-central Idaho, I conducted a “town hall meeting” to listen to the joys and concerns of this Presbyterian Native community. That evening I would also preach and baptize a child, my great-nephew and the following day, Sunday, preside over the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper.
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Big Tent 2013

Native Americans Participate from Across the U.S.


Artisain on tablesThe third annual Big Tent Event was held here with a noticeable Native American presence. Seven attended with scholarships from the office of Native American Congregational Support, seven from the Native American Consulting Committee (NACC) were able to stay after their pre-conference meeting, two Native American representatives on the Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns were also able to stay after their pre-conference meeting and two attended through support of their congregations. Together with Rev. Irvin Porter, Associate for Native American Congregational Support, nineteen Native American Presbyterians took workshops, shared their congregation’s stories and answered questions about Native ministry. Continue Reading

Native American Consulting Committee Pre-Big Tent Meeting in Louisville, KY

nacc commMembers of the Native American Consulting Committee (NACC) met at the Presbyterian Center July 30th and 31st to work on the reformation of the Committee as called for by Native American Presbyterian leaders at their consultation in 2012. Members of NACC came from Puyallup, WA, Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Livingston, TX, Watson, OK, Versailles, NY, and Lawrence, KS. They represent synods, presbyteries and local Native American congregations and organizations.

New officers were elected, pictured at left:

Donna Kuyiyesva, Pima/Hopi – Los Angeles, CA; Krista Kleinman-Langley, Alabama Coushatta – Livingston, TX; Rev. Buddy Monahan, Choctaw/Maricopa – Albuquerque, NM; and CRE, 

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