PC(USA) and Public Education
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has a long-standing commitment to quality public education:
As Presbyterians, we believe that “an education of high quality for all children is an obligation of society and indispensable to the political and economic health of our democracy,” and that “we are called to respond in every possible way with measures that seek to evidence love and justice in the education of children and youth.”
—A Call to Church Involvement in the Renewal of Public Education (199th
General Assembly, 1987)
An overture to the 216th General Assembly in 2004, "On Improved Education for African American and Other Students placed at risk for an Excellent Education," called for action to address the concern that some children, particularly poor children, children of color and others on the margins continue to be left behind. Among its recommendations:
That Presbyterians be called upon to confront the stubborn continuance of racial prejudice, particularly the persistence of societal attitudes that discourage academic achievement among economically disadvantaged and children of color students and others at risk.
This website is designed for all Presbyterians who care about education for all children who are at risk for failure.