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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Circle Leadership

What are the leadership roles for a circle?

Every Presbyterian Women in the Congregation group, and therefore every circle, is unique. Adapt program and structures to meet the needs of your group. Some PWC groups may have only a convener/moderator with many willing volunteers; others have a full range of leaders to correspond to the projects of the group.

Coordinating team members may include these leaders:

  • Moderator or co-moderators
  • Vice moderators
  • Secretary
  • Historian
  • Treasurer
  • Moderator of the search committee
  • Additional leaders (representative from each circle, Bible study leader, members-at-large with specific responsibilities, such as mission coordinator, Horizons representative, justice and peace coordinator)

What qualities are needed in a circle leader?

  • Faithfulness to Jesus Christ
  • A commitment to the organization of Presbyterian Women and its Purpose
  • A willingness to share leadership skills
  • An openness to new ideas and opportunities for growth
  • Warmth, caring and acceptance of others.

What are the circle leader’s responsibilities?

If there is more than one circle in your congregation, the circle leader may serve as the liaison between the circle and the Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women in the Congregation. Working in a collegial style with the circle members, she shares the responsibility to accomplish the purpose and program of PWC.

Preparation for meetings includes consideration of the needs and interests of the circle members, the PWC goals and the plan for a balanced program during the year, including worship, study, fellowship and action.

Before the meeting

1. From the membership list, select leaders for specific responsibilities. Shared leadership is vital for an effective circle.

2. Contact each prospective member to invite her to the circle; inform her of the time and place of the first circle meeting and inquire after needs of invitees, such as transportation, childcare, etc.

3. Provide an announcement about the circle meeting — including the date, time and place — in the church bulletin, church newsletter and/or bulletin board.

At the meeting

1. Open with prayer and welcome new members.

2. Help circle members become acquainted with each other.

3. Conduct a brief business meeting. Allow adequate time for study and discussion, worship and fellowship.

4. Encourage all members to subscribe to Horizons.

5. Share information from the coordinating team meetings; publicize the next PW gatherings (at the congregation, presbytery and synod levels) and information from any denominational or ecumenical partnerships with which your congregation is involved.

6. Arrange for future conveners and meeting places.

7. Adjourn the meeting with prayer.
