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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Together in Service in Eastern Europe

Following Presbyterian Women’s Global Exchange to Eastern Europe in 2008, Presbyterian Women made a commitment to support the impoverished and marginalized Roma women and men they met. Like the successful Palm Development Project, the Roma Development Project is a sustainable, income-generating mission opportunity. 

Roma Development Project

The Roma Development Project is a pilot project with a two-phase plan. In its initial phase, contributions purchased school supplies for Roma schoolchildren. The second phase, already underway, is funding the establishment of a basket-making microenterprise for groups of Roma women, thus providing them with an income-generating occupation and a source of hope for themselves and their families. In this phase, mission partners in Carpath-Ukraine help organize groups of Roma women for basket making, teach business skills and arrange for the purchase of the baskets.

Women in two Roma communities in Carpath-Ukraine are making baskets as a result of PW’s development efforts. You can support their work either by purchasing their baskets or donating funds to the Roma Development project.

Order baskets and trivets (ranging in price from $5 to $50) through Carissa Herold, (844) 797-2872, ext. 5322.

Your generous and continued support of this project is greatly appreciated.

Give funds to the Roma Development Project

Give online through Together in Service—type “PW Roma Development Project” in the comments box.


Or send checks to
PW Remittance Processing
PO Box 643652
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3652

Checks are payable to Presbyterian Women. Write “PWUND11” on the memo line.
