Learn About Racial Justice Ministries
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) professes that racism, in all its forms, is contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, it acknowledges that racism is a reality in both church and society. In faithful witness to the love of Christ, the church is committed to confronting racism and racial oppression in the church and the world, working to overcome racism with prayer, discernment and worship-based action.
Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community Antiracism Study Guides
This series of six antiracism study guides is appropriate for an hour-long conversation among adults or teens. They provide a pedagogical tool for empowering church communities to have important conversations about race and racism in relation to Christian faith. The study guides are based on topics and concepts covered in the church-wide antiracism policy “Facing Racism: A Vision of the Intercultural Community." The topics of the six guides are: Biblical Imperatives to Antiracism, Envisioning a New Way of Life Together, PC(USA) and Racial Reconciliation, Racism 101, Enduring Legacy of Racism in the U.S., and Responding as a Community of Faith. This training tool includes a list of antiracism resources for congregations or presbyteries desiring further information. Click here to view the study guides.
New Churchwide Antiracism Policy
Click here to view the Churchwide Antiracism Policy that has been submitted for approval to the 22nd General Assembly (2016).
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reaches out to its sisters and brothers of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reaches out to its sisters and brothers of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston, South Carolina, where nine people were killed when a gunman opened fire Wednesday night during Bible study. We grieve with the families of the victims and members of their church community. We hope the perpetrator is soon captured and brought to justice.. Read more.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Inspires Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Staff to a Renewed Commitment to Free Oppressed People
Fifty years after the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, staff from across all six agencies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) came together Wednesday during a special worship service to witness to the love of God in the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a martyr to the faith, in the cause of justice, whose birthday is being celebrated today in a national holiday honoring King. Read more.
Meet the Associate for Gender and Racial Justice: Sera Chung
Sera Chung serves as the Associate for Gender and Racial Justice in the Presbyterian Mission Agency. She received her Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary with a concentration in religion and culture. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Binghamton University. She speaks fluent Korean and English and can read, speak and write in Spanish and Japanese. In 2012-2013, Sera served a year-long internship at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.
Sera served as a Research Assistant at Princeton University, and assisted in conducting in-depth interviews and research for a national study of religious leaders. She was a student partner with the Office of Multicultural Relations, researching the revitalization of the Asian American Program at Princeton. Sera is also an accomplished musician.