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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Self-Development of People (SDOP)
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(800) 728-7228, x5781    Send email
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Farmer Women Federation of San Rafael del Yuma (FEMUCABAYU)

Group members take out loans for everything from buying medicine for their children to starting small businesses. Some of the women sell lingerie, others have started roadside stands selling snacks, and others have started making jewelry and candles. They have 100% payback on the loans they have given out.


“These loans have made a huge difference in our lives. When our family is sick, we can get a loan to take them to the doctor and get their needs. When we have an idea for a small business, we can get a loan to get it started. We know we have to pay back the loans so that the funds keep growing. When we started the loan amount had to be very small, but as our fund grows so do the amounts. This allows us to do more and to actually change our situation by starting small businesses.”

- Julia Perezozo
