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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Self-Development of People (SDOP)
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For more information:

Margaret Mwale
(800) 728-7228, x5792      Send email
Clara Nunez 
(800) 728-7228, x5781    Send email
Teresa Bidart
(800) 728-7228, x5790   Send email

Fax number:

(502) 569-8001

Or write to
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

Women Federation of Guerra (FEMUGUE)

These fantastic women now employ 31 people and sell their products in more than 50 different communities!  They were one of the first cooperative projects in the area and have become a model for many other projects.


 “I have been working on this project in delivery and sales for 6 years.  This gives me the opportunity to work and provide for my family.  When we began the project, I borrowed my husband’s motorcycle to make deliveries.  He used to tell me that I was wasting his bike on a project that would never go anywhere.  With the money I have earned I have purchased my own truck and now my whole family (including my husband) work with me at the bakery business.  They see me differently now.  I was even able to help build onto my house.  Now I have a voice in family decisions because I am contributing.”

- Grey Margarita Calzado
