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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Self-Development of People (SDOP)
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For more information:

Margaret Mwale
(800) 728-7228, x5792      Send email
Clara Nunez 
(800) 728-7228, x5781    Send email
Teresa Bidart
(800) 728-7228, x5790   Send email

Fax number:

(502) 569-8001

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100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

Federation of Community Organizations of Imbert, Luperon and Altamira (FOCILA)

SDOP has helped with the purchase of 60 sows, which were given to impoverished women in Imbert.  Each beneficiary returns a 45-50 kilo sow back to the group, which is then raffled off to one of the other needy members in the group.  From the initial 60 sows, more than 150 people have received sows thanks to this project.  They have 1,200 members in the federation right now and they hope to be able to one day give a sow to each. 


"I received a sow as part of the project.  In the first litter, she had 11 piglets.  I returned one and kept one of the other females and sold the rest when they were big enough.  Now I have two sows and I have been able to purchase my own milk cow and repair my house thanks to this project.  It has changed my life and my family’s life because now we know that we have a way to make money when we need it."

- Pilar Ventura
