
Thank you for your willingness to tell the story of Presbyterian mission and ministry work. Countless lives are transformed each day in communities large and small as Presbyterians offer the world a visible witness—in word and deed—of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each time you tell the story, you engage more women, men, young adults, and children to be part of this transformational work.
We know from 2 Corinthians 5:20 that we all are “ambassadors for Christ.” As an ambassador for the Presbyterian Mission Agency, you help carry out that work, inspiring audiences with stories of God’s Spirit at work in the world, equipping them for more faithful and effective ministry, and connecting them to do more together than any of us could do alone.
This toolkit contains resources to get you started:
- Key messages for the Presbyterian Mission Agency
- Ideas for where and how to tell the story
- Contact information for follow-up
- Samples of resources you can use in your storytelling
- Videos and PowerPoint slides to augment your presentations
We also invite you to visit the Ambassador’s Program website for additional information and updates.
Isaiah called “blessed” the messengers who bring good news. Indeed, your service is a blessing—to the Presbyterian Mission Agency, to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and to God whom together we serve.
Thank you!