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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Interfaith Relations
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Interfaith links of interest

The Interfaith Youth Core conducts programs, creates resources and develops leaders for a movement of young people who bridge their religious differences with relationships of mutual respect and common action.

Religions for Peace USA is a national representative interfaith body working in a variety of areas.

The Interfaith Relations Office of the National Council of Churches of Christ and the Interfaith Relations Commission are carrying out important ecumenical efforts in building interfaith relations, and offer a number of additional resources.

The Interreligious Relations Office of the World Council of Churches provides a window on global developments in interfaith relations and also offers important resources, including their regular journal, Current Dialogue.

The Pluralism Project has brought together great amounts of information about the faith groups in the United States, the locations of their centers and places of worship and other fruits of years of field research.

The Children's Sabbath is an interfaith effort coordinated by the Children's Defense Fund to help people of faith learn about the problems facing children and poor families in the United States.

The Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue™ is a forum for academic, social and timely issues affecting religious communities around the world. It is designed to increase the quality and frequency of interchanges between religious groups and their leaders.

The Interfaith Calendar provides the primary times of prayer and celebration for the world’s religions, with brief definitions of different religions.

Beliefnet is a web site that offers access to a potpourri of information, opinion and interactive options in relation to many religions and issues of religion.

The Puget Sound Interfaith Youth Camp is one model of building interfaith relations among young people.


The Institute for the Study of Religion and Culture’s primary goal is to provide and nurture a broad ecumenical religious vision for the people of Thailand and Southeast Asia and for others visiting or working in the region. Although the focus of the Institute is mainly on Thailand and Southeast Asia, the Institute also seeks to promote and foster increased mutual appreciation and cooperation among the world's different religious communities and to contribute to greater interreligious understanding among all peoples everywhere.

Tricycle magazine is one way into the multifaceted Buddhist community in the United States is through Tricycle magazine and its Web site.

The buddhanet Web site is a gateway into a wide array of information about Buddhism, including a directory of Buddhist temples in the United States and the Americas.

The Buddhist Churches of America is the oldest Buddhist organization in the United States, representing the Japanese Pure Land tradition. This site includes a very good online book store as well as a directory of temples.


The Web site is a collection of information, including other Web sites, on various aspects of Hinduism.

Encyclopedia of Hinduism is the Web site of the new Encyclopedia of Hinduism, now in process of completion.

Hinduism in America is a study that addresses the question of how life changes once a South Asian Hindu family moves to America.


Islamic Networks Group is a nonprofit, educational organization that promotes religious literacy and mutual respect through on-site presentations and interfaith dialogues to schools, community agencies and other institutions.

The Muslim Public Affairs Council is a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims, for the integration of Islam into American pluralism,\ and for a positive, constructive relationship between American Muslims and their elected representatives.

The Islamic Society of North America is the largest umbrella group of the Muslim community in the United States, with information about mosques, conferences, prayers and many other subjects.

The Islamic Circle of North America is a smaller Muslim organization with an active relief and development program and many educational resources.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations’s mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

Soundvision is a Web site that focuses on the media but also offers a variety of information and products.


The Jewish Reconstructionist Federation is the organization of congregations that are part of the fourth (and youngest) recognized branch of American Judaism. The Web site provides information and news about Reconstructionist Judaism as well as information about programs, congregations, people and issues in this lively Jewish community.

The United Synagoguge of Conservative Judaism Web site provides access to the activities, resources and ideas of the Movement of Conservative Judaism in the United States.

The Jewish Council for Public Affairs serves as the representative voice of the organized American Jewish community in the Jewish community relations field to safeguard the rights of Jews in the United States, in Israel and around the world and to protect, preserve and promote a just American society. The Web site is a great source for insight into public policy concerns of the Jewish community in the United States.

the Union for Reform Judiasm Web site provides access to a wealth of information about the activities of Reform Jews and Reform organizations, plus many resources.

The Jewish-Christian Relations Web site has articles, reviews, reports, official statements and study resources on Jewish-Christian relations in the United States and abroad, with links to many related organizations.

The Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations is a U.S. association of centers and institutes devoted to building mutual understanding between Christians and Jews.
