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A letter from Cindy Easterday in South Africa

March 26, 2007

The church in prayer and practical action

“Free and Fair” the Independent Electoral Commission declared at the end of the national elections in February 2007, a major accomplishment in a country where ever since Lesotho’s independence in the mid 1960s violence and unrest have seemed to be integrated into the election process. And though not everyone agrees with the results and opposition parties continue to seek ways to be heard, peace has reigned this time.

Some say that the fears of reliving the bloody aftermath of the 1998 elections is the reason peace prevails. Others say it’s important to preserve the development that has taken place since that time, when the capital city of Maseru was nearly razed to the ground.

Both opinions certainly have some truth to them, but there may be additional factors: For some time before the elections, groups of intercessors from various churches have met regularly to pray for the country. One group of women meets every morning of the week from 7:00 to 8:00 at a centrally located church in town, fasting at certain times. Once a month they gather for an all-night prayer meeting, interceding for Lesotho and its people. “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be also.”

Do we not believe that God hears the cry of His people? For those of us who believe our God is a living God who knows our needs and is with us in the midst of our trials and difficulties and uncertainties—and that He hears our prayers—our faith is strengthened and our hope renewed when we see peace prevailing in such a situation as this. God is with us, of that we are certain.

It was not only the prayers of His people that ensured a peaceful post-election time, but also the active participation by church leaders, Christian-based NGO members, and lay people, who were trained and integrated into the process, taking an active part in guaranteeing the integrity, honesty, and openness of the process. What an encouragement is was to see the Church of Christ active and involved, contributing effectively in practical and committed ways, reflecting the Church as “salt” in the community. For that—and for peace—we are grateful.

Cindy Easterday

The 2007 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 330
