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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Cindy Easterday in South Africa

December 2, 2008

Final newsletter

Dear Friends,

As we approach the holiday season I marvel at how, on the one hand, the year seems to have sped by and, on the other, how many diverse activities, events, and changes have blended together so that it seems as if many years have been compacted into one!

Completion of assignment

Photo of Cindy Easterday standing in a room between two women. Cindy is wrapped in a pink, black, and purple blanket. All the women are smiling.

A special gift of a Basotho blanket on leaving Lesotho.

I arrived back in the United States from Lesotho in early July, finishing my assignment with Joining Hands at the end of that month following a gathering of representatives from our nine participating countries and their U.S. counterparts. What an encouraging time that was! To see the momentum growing in the relatively short life of the JH program was awesome, as our partner countries and presbyteries address specific aspects of injustice, hunger, and poverty in their own areas and together.

It has truly been a mind-blowing involvement for me, one that has sharpened my ears and eyes not only to the local issues and influences countries face in addressing these growing problems, but also to the global systems impacting them. These are greatly influenced by wealthy, powerful nations—our own United States included—whose self interests often override the concerns of and impacts on the affected nations. This exposure has forced me to confront the broad injustices that reveal the ugliest sides of our human nature no matter where we live—and primary is greed, camouflaged in various guises, often appearing to be what it is not.

So it was with some mistrust and dread that I approached the recent U.S. elections—only to be caught up with everyone else in the unravelling financial crisis, the uncertainty of our own economic future and its impact around the world. What brings me great hope and (dare I say?!) excitement is to know that times like these are great opportunities for us to witness God at work in His own amazing, unexpected ways to bring great good out of chaos, despair and fear. And that I greatly look forward to it.

What’s next?

I’m not sure, beyond the next three months! I have known for a time I needed a break, a time to be “refilled”—with family, old friends, my history. To be “refreshed”—with rest, healthy activities, reading, study. To be “restored”—spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically. And to be “redirected”—by God’s grace and wisdom, to where and what He would have me do next. I am part way through that journey but not yet to the point of “redirection.”

Photo of a green hillside with stone walls, round huts, no trees, and green grass. A white cross is barely visible among the homes.

The sign of the cross on a rural hillside. Who would believe it’s really the air pipe intersecting the roof on the back of an outhouse!

The next step has fallen in to place, however. I leave in less than a week for a time of retreat in Scotland, my mother’s heritage. We will spend Christmas with dear friends in Ireland. From there, the plan is to go to the Bordeaux region in France to study French—a long-time dream—and return to the States in March. From there perhaps I’ll go back to South Africa? France? The United States? Only God knows! But I trust by then a future plan will begin to take shape!

Keep in touch!

This is my last “official” newsletter through PC(USA) as I am no longer employed as a mission co-worker. For those who would like to remain in touch, I would love it! Email is best (Cindy Easterday), though my sister will hold any letters for me (5158 Veronica Street, Los Angeles, CA 90008).

I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your love and support over these years. You have been a foundation that has encouraged, strengthened and taught me—and words can never express the power in that!

Thank you, too, to my colleagues and co-workers at PC(USA) and in Joining Hands who have so greatly enriched my life by giving me the opportunity to serve with them and learn from them. And to my other family of friends wherever I’ve lived—I am honored and blessed by your friendship and love. Thank you all.

With the precious love and blessing of Jesus the Christ, my One and All.


The 2008 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 30
