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A letter from Thelma Goodrum serving in Brazil

november 2014 - a time of transition

Dear Friends,

Recently I have thought a lot about what it means to follow Jesus Christ, and we are privileged to do this by using our God-given gifts in service to Him. Often there are ups and downs, but I believe that we have been called to Christian service here in Vitoria, in the state of Espirito Santo, where we serve as PC(USA) mission co-workers in partnership with the United Presbyterian Church of Brazil.

For me, the privilege of following Jesus by using my gifts for ministry includes many varied and interesting activities. I work in the office of the national church, which is located in downtown Vitoria, and I serve as associate pastor in one of the churches of the Presbytery of Vitoria. I have also taught in the seminary of the denomination, which is called the Centro de Formacao Teologica ‘Richard Shaull’ (or, in English, the “Center of Theological Formation ‘Richard Shaull’”—Shaull was a Presbyterian missionary much admired by the United Presbyterian Church of Brazil). Seminary classes have been held here in Vitoria, and also at the seminary extension in the town of Colatina, which is a two-and-a-half-hour drive from Vitoria.

All of these activities have been a blessing in my life, and a great learning experience, but sometimes I get discouraged about the situation here, and one of the reasons for this discouragement is that the seminary is going through a difficult time because it is not easy for students to find the time and financial resources to dedicate to theological studies. But the denomination desperately needs new pastors. The United Presbyterian Church is dedicated to the preparation of pastors who wish to uphold its unique goals of being ecumenical, of ordaining women and men to all offices of the church, and for serving the underprivileged in a social system that is sometimes unjust, but the “Centro” is going through a time of transition, and classes have been suspended for the time being. Several options for the future are being considered, including the option of online study for those in the denomination who live a long way away or who cannot be present at scheduled classes because of work schedules and other responsibilities and commitments.

Serving communion at the Regional Gathering in El Salvador

A few weeks ago, while feeling discouraged about the situation, I had the opportunity to attend two conferences of the PC(USA) in the Central American country of El Salvador.  Each conference lasted a week, and the first one was an opportunity to study about Community Health Evangelism. Because our son Joel, who is now 17, had classes and important tests at his high school, Farris stayed with him in Vitoria, but both of them were able to join me during the activities of the second week, which was a gathering for the PC(USA) mission co-workers serving in Latin America and the Caribbean. The theme of this Regional Gathering was “Filled with the Spirit, Abounding in Hope,” and it was truly an inspirational and refreshing time, like a gift from Heaven! The setting at an oceanside hotel outside of the capital city of San Salvador was a wonderful place to spend time with colleagues serving in different countries, and with personnel from the offices of the Presbyterian Mission Agency in Louisville, Ky. We felt spiritually renewed by the times of worship and reflection each morning and by the fellowship we shared with other co-workers.

The eight graduates of the Center for Theological Formation 'Richard Shaull'; Clovis Costa is the third from the left

Because I was in El Salvador I was not able to attend the recent graduation of eight students from our Center of Theological Formation in Colatina on October 11, but I was delighted to see pictures of the graduation on Facebook. These pictures of proud, smiling graduates brought back many fond memories of my time as their teacher, and it was a privilege to have a part in their theological formation. Each of these students has been very special to me, but I would like to mention one of them in particular, Clovis Costa, who has a wife and family and works as an electrician. He was an active member in his church, but felt called to church ministry—so, in spite of financial difficulties and time constraints, Clovis enrolled to study theology in our seminary. Always ready and willing to help in any way he could, his skill as an electrician was often put to use in the church, and he eventually became involved as a teacher of the young adult Bible class. His years as a student have not always been easy, but he and his seminary colleagues are pleased with the preparation that they have received from the Center of Theological Formation ‘Richard Shaull’ as they seek to follow the calling of Jesus Christ into church ministry. Because of the difficult times that the seminary has been through, the graduation ceremony was an inspiring event for the community.

Farris, Joel and Thelma in El Salvador

We left El Salvador feeling spiritually renewed by the times of worship and reflection each morning, and by the fellowship we shared with other co-workers and staff. We returned home to Vitoria with a feeling of hope for the future and enthusiasm concerning our activities here.  We are pleased that God has chosen to use us and our gifts in ministry here in the Presbytery of Vitoria of the United Presbyterian Church of Brazil.

We appreciate your interest in our ministry here in Brazil, and we ask for your continued prayers, especially concerning the future of the Center of Theological Formation ‘Richard Shaull’ as we seek to prepare those that have answered the call of Jesus Christ to use their God-given gifts in church ministry. We are very grateful to the churches and individuals who contribute to our sending and support, and who remember us in prayer, because all of this makes our ministry in Brazil possible.

Farris joins me in sending fond greetings.

In Christ’s service,

Thelma Goodrum
C.P. 01-5021
Vitoria, ES  29045-970 – Brazil

The 2014 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 61
The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 48, 49
Read more about Farris and Thelma Goodrum's ministry

Write to Farris Goodrum
Write to Thelma Goodrum
Individuals: Give to E200349 for Farris and Thelma Goodrum's sending and support
Congregations: Give to D506380 for Farris and Thelma Goodrum's sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).

Double Your Impact!
A group of committed donors has pledged to match all gifts sent by individuals for mission personnel support now through December 31, 2014, up to $137,480.  This means your gift today will be matched by a gift to support mission personnel around the world, wherever the need is greatest. We invite you to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to double the impact of your gift. Thank you!
