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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Farris Goodrum serving in Brazil

March 2015 -  A Refreshing Retreat

Dear friends and faithful supporters,

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer—Acts 2:42.

Bible study


The actors in the puppet show


Joel and Andre, two of the guitarists at the retreat


Jackson, Joel, and Vinicius playing pool


Making the bread for communion


Thelma serving communion

Greetings from Brazil. In February our church, the United Presbyterian Church of Maruipe here in Vitoria, had it annual spiritual retreat during “Carnaval.”  In popular culture Carnaval is the final festive celebration before Lent, and Protestant churches have traditionally used this time to escape the city and the loud celebrations of Carnaval, to go to out-of-the-way places for spiritual retreats.  For most churches in Brazil these retreats are particularly for the young people, but in our church the entire church family participates. The above verse, from Acts 2:42, is an appropriate verse considering the activities at the spiritual retreat: teaching opportunities, much fellowship, meals together, communion, and prayer.

A very nice location was found for the retreat in a mountainous area just a couple of hours outside of Vitoria. The cool climate was a wonderful respite from the intense heat of Vitoria at this time of the year. (December, January and February, Brazil’s summer months, are the hottest months of the year here.) The retreat center had a spacious dining room, an open area for our worship services and Sunday school, a swimming pool, trampoline, and pool table. We couldn’t have asked for more, and it was enjoyed by all who participated. Our son Joel (now 17) enjoyed being one of the guitarists for the worship services.

On Sunday I was pleased to be asked to bring the message for the evening worship service. The theme of the retreat had to do with “Family,” so I prepared a message about family, planned two skits with puppets to illustrate the theme, and gathered together a team of puppeteers to practice the skits. One of the participants in the puppet show was Vinicius, who is 13 years old. I was very glad to see him at the retreat, as he used to sing in my children’s choir, beginning when he was about 8 years old. He was the only boy in the class, so I believe that my presence as the choir director made him more comfortable singing in the choir. I was very disappointed when his father insisted that Vinicius help him wash cars in a certain neighborhood of Vitoria by the time he was about 9 or 10 years old, and he has not attended church regularly since that time.

Vinicius’ mother, Liviane, is a single mother raising four children. She has not had much education and struggles to make ends meet. The church began to help her a number of years ago, and she has become a very faithful member. It has been interesting to see her children grow and develop, amid many challenges. The two younger ones can be a handful at times, but we can see the difference that the family’s dedication to the church is making in their lives. We have just been sorry, for a long time, that Vinicius has not been able to attend church with his mother and sisters.

Thelma officiated at the communion service at the end of Sunday’s worship experience. She had always wished to serve communion with the participants sitting around a table, and there was a huge picnic table at the retreat center.  The designated leader of the retreat was Pedro Lisias, who is a seminary student and an elder in the church. He had asked the participants to make the bread that was served at communion, and this was done the day before. Always appreciative, and finding just the right words to say, he told Thelma that he hopes someday to minister the sacraments with the enthusiasm that Thelma demonstrates as she ministers communion.

A concern about the retreat is that we had about 25 participants. In years past there were more than twice that many, and it concerns us that many young people, children, and even entire families have drifted away from the church. It seems that there are many outside activities that attract members who used to be very active in the church, and there also seem to be some unresolved conflicts within the church that need to be dealt with. It is our prayer that conflicts will be resolved, and that those who used to be faithful members will return to the fellowship of the church.

It was a wonderful surprise to all of us, on our first Sunday back at church after the retreat, to see that 13-year-old Vinicius was there! He said that he had talked to his father and told him that he does not wish to work on Sundays so that he can attend church regularly. We certainly hope that his father will continue to respect his wishes, as we pray that Vinicius will be able to become an active member of the church once again.

We appreciate your interest in our ministry, and your prayers, as well as your continued faithful financial support. We are very grateful to individuals and churches that contribute to our support, and we do count on your prayers as we ask for God’s help to do our part to restore the unity of the church family, as we seek to grow, learn, and use our gifts in service to the Church. Thanks to all of you!

In Christ’s service,
Farris, for the Goodrum family

The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 49
Read more about Farris and Thelma Goodrum's ministry

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Write to Thelma Goodrum
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Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
