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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from John and Gwen Haspels in Ethiopia

September/October 2014 - Blessed by Volunteers

                                                BOMA BULLETIN

The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you” (Gen. 12:1).  BY FAITH Abraham when called to go…obeyed and went (Heb. 11:8).

Dear friends,

As we were traveling back to Addis with some of the volunteers who had come out to help us, Aaron Sents asked, “What is your favorite book in the Bible?”  I said, “Hebrews is my favorite book partly because Heb. 11: 6 has been my life verse since high school.  But without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Choir going to Maja Baptism

During the last two months we have been blessed with a steady stream of volunteers coming out to see us and pitch in and help in whatever way possible.  Allen Sents came for the third time and brought along two of his children, Aaron and Clarissa.  Pre-med student Alice Liu from a Chinese-American church in Denver came for the first time. Zion and Zoe Oppriecht left summer jobs and the comforts of home in Kansas City and came.  All of them came BY FAITH.

BY FAITH from Kansas:  BY FAITH Allen left the feedlot he manages and the constant checking with the Chicago Stock Exchange with its fluctuating beef prices, and came.  He and his son Aaron vaccinated more than a thousand cows, overhauled a tractor, helped to build the new house for the Suri Baale Bible translator, and did numerous other jobs needing done.  They all shared in the life of the Suri Church and witnessed the baptism of 60 new Christians.


Vaccinating 1,000 plus cows

BY FAITH from North Carolina:  BY FAITH Aaron left his job with the military as a medic and came.  With Afghanistan behind him, he came to Moga, helping Gwen in the clinic and John in the construction of a new house.  Because of his involvement in the Navigators and his love for discipleship and evangelism, he accompanied Dr. Haili on his evangelism rounds.  

BY FAITH from Chicago:  Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Clarissa left inner-city Chicago and came, spending hours teaching Suri youth English.  Here are her words: 

The Sents

“It may seem silly to compare the bustling American city of Chicago to the Suri village in Ethiopia. However, I found that these seemingly poles apart communities are really similar.  I served as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) for the past year in Chicago’s west side, an area of violence, drugs, gangs, etc.  Less than two weeks after finishing my YAV year, I was en route to Ethiopia. I actually saw many of the same issues in Suri land that I saw in Chicago, just manifested a little differently.  Seeing things like this are hard on the heart.  Fortunately for me, I was able to connect with my support system virtually anytime I wanted to from Chicago.  However, that is just not possible for the Haspels out in the ‘bush.’ Please know that your prayerful and financial support are essential to their ministry and so is your encouragement.  Even as a rookie mission worker, I know that this field is far from easy.  Thanks for all you do to support the Lord’s work in your homes, communities and abroad.  Peace, Clarissa Sents.”



Zion and Zoe playing volleyball

BY FAITH from Denver:  Pre-med student Alice Liu left a research job in Denver and came to Tulegit.  Joining  a vaccination team, Alice hiked into Suri villages and came back dehydrated and exhausted.  Spiders, geckos, and car breakdowns added to her African adventure.

BY FAITH from Kansas City:  Our two teenage granddaughters, Zion and Zoe, left summer jobs and the comforts of home and came.  They played volleyball and soccer with Suri young people, worked in the Moga clinic, and visited the sick in the villages.

BY FAITH we will officially retire in July of 2015.  We will be coming back to the States sometime in July and will be available for speaking up through November.  Contact us at:  We would love to thank each of you for your years of partnership with us in Sudan and Ethiopia. 

Together in His Service,
The Haspels

The 2014 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 133
Read more about John and Gwenyth Haspels' ministry

Write to John Haspels
Write to Gwenyth Haspels
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Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
