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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from John and Gwenyth Haspels in the U.S., home from service in Ethiopia

April 2015 - Telling the Story to the Suri

Boma Bulletin: Sharing Gwen’s picture and telling the story to the Suri

If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God. … For CHRIST’S LOVE COMPELS US,  because we are convinced that (Christ) died for ALL, … and we should no longer live for ourselves but for HIM WHO DIED FOR US”  (II Cor. 5:13-15).

Dear Friends,

One Room:
Between doctors’ appointments and through the month of Lent, John was able to travel back to Ethiopia with Allen Sents from McPherson.  They hoped to complete the house in Moga for the Wycliffe translator Mattias Freuer.  Last year Mattias was stranded in Moga when the shooting took place.  His house still remains unfinished with only one room completed.

1,000 from One: 
Evangelist Dr. Haili was disappointed that we weren’t able to go to Koka to do the baptism, which was scheduled for Oct. 11 last year.  He said, “When you come next time there will be more than 1,000 Suri waiting for you to baptize them.”   From one bullet, God has multiplied more than 1,000 new Christians seeking baptism.

5 New Churches: 
Dr. Haili went on to report that in two locations after the deliverance of a demonized man, the people begged him to come.  In three other locations, the Suri are wanting to build tarp-covered churches.  Youth choirs have already been organized in several of these locations.  God is moving in a mighty way.  From one bullet, five new churches have been born.

Sharing a photo of Gwen


Telling our story to the Suri

From Revenge to Forgiveness: 
When I arrived back in Addis, Senator Lanjoi, the Suri representative in parliament, met me and said, “Your blood was not shed in vain. Because you forgave the man who shot you, we were able to bring reconciliation between the Suri and Deeze tribes.”   From one bullet, came the reconciliation of two tribes who were bitter enemies. God is so Good.

Out of Your Mind:
While in Addis, John was introduced to a guest from Washington State with these words, “Tell her what happened to you.”  After telling her about the shooting, she said, “You’ve got to be out of your mind!  What are you doing back in Ethiopia where they tried to kill you!”

The reason is given in the scripture above.  Because of His great love for us, Jesus died not only for my sins but also for the sins of the gunman.  When Jesus cried out, “Father, forgive them,” it included me and the gunman.  It was Christ’s love that compelled us to forgive the gunman.

Thank you, prayer warriors and shareholders, for your partnership with us during the last 40 years and especially during the last six months of our journey to wholeness.  Gwen has two more surgeries before they can begin working on her teeth.  John has at least one more surgery on his left eye.

Note to Share Holders: 
Many of you have been sharing with us in God’s work over 40 years, first in Ethiopia, then South Sudan, and then back in Ethiopia.  In two months we will be officially retired from the PC(USA).  God’s work, however, continues.  You are uniquely qualified “to share in the inheritance” (Col. 1:12).

We urge all of you to continue your partnership with Presbyterian World Mission and the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY).  We have been richly blessed with our partnership with them and with you.  We are truly thankful. 

Together in His Service,
The Haspels

The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 142
Read more about John and Gwenyth Haspels' ministry

Write to John Haspels
Write to Gwenyth Haspels
Individuals: Give online to E200359 for John and Gwenyth Haspels' sending and support
Congregations: Give to D501920 for John and Gwenyth Haspels' sending and support
Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).

Note from Presbyterian World Mission: 
Presbyterian World Mission will start actively recruiting a replacement for John and Gwen Haspels when funding is in place through gifts and pledges for a four-year term.  For a single mission co-worker, World Mission needs enough gifts in hand for the first year, $83,000, and pledges of $83,000 for each of the subsequent three years.  When funding is in place, the position will be re-posted on One Door and World Mission will very gratefully begin accepting applications.  Please give and pledge as you are able using the account E200359, and please join us in prayer that the right person will hear this call so that this ministry of evangelism can continue.
