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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Debbie and Harry Horne in Peru

December 18, 2007

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus, and we wish you a joyous time of celebrating His birth!

We write this from Louisville, where we are living during our time of itineration. We have been helping out at the Presbyterian Center when we are not out visiting churches. It has been a good chance to get to know some of the folks working at the Center here in Louisville, and to get to know others better. We come away with a renewed appreciation for their dedication and good humor. We return to Peru with new and deepened friendships here in Louisville.

Photo of a wall with eight cut-out human figures standing in a row.

Border art.

In October Harry participated in Mission Challenge ’07. He itinerated in Arizona and New Mexico, seeing a new part of the country and sharing with a variety of churches there. One highlight had to do with a singer on the Mission Challenge DVD. His name is Fernando Ortega, and he grew up in Second Presbyterian Church in Albuquerque. Second Presbyterian has a strong history as a parish church and as a wonderful influence in its neighborhood. I had the chance to watch as his friends and former Sunday school teachers as they saw that video—which uses his rendition of “Give Me Jesus” as the only sound—for the first time, and recognized his voice. They were so moved!  It was a beautiful moment that confirmed for me what a wonderful experience it was for him to grow up in that church.

Photo of a man with a beard standing in the sun. In the background is a fence, and behind the fence a

The Rev. Dr. Jorge Pazos Aragón, the Mexican coordinator of Companeros en Mision, stands on the U.S. side of the U.S.-Mexico border. The fence divides the two countries.

Another child growing up in the Presbyterian church is Lily Larson Wolbrink. Her mother, Gretchen Wolbrink, was a Young Adult Volunteer working with the seminary where we worked in Guatemala.  What a great thing that Harry was there for Gretchen and Ben’s daughter’s baptism! If only every child could grow up in a Presbyterian church, or one like it. Harry also had the chance to get to know the Presbyterian Border Ministries. We have some important ministry going on at the U.S.-Mexico border, and it was good to get to know some folks involved in that ministry.

In September and November we have had the chance to visit with churches that support our ministry in Peru. This is a wonderful time for us as we renew old friendships and make new ones. We are so deeply appreciative of the prayers and all the support that comes our way, and it is good to be able to say that in person.

Another thing that has been special for us has been renewing ties with Harry’s extended family. Uncle Don brought together a family reunion in Wichita, Kansas, and we had an opportunity to see cousins whom we had not seen for years, and their families. Living near Indiana has given us more time to enjoy being around Harry’s sister and brother and their families as well. We have also spent time in Florida with Debbie’s family, which is always fun. Her mom continues to enjoy life. She especially loves going to church when she’s able. Debbie was also blessed to be able to spend almost a month with her during October and November. We are grateful for the time we’ve had with our families.

I guess we will participate a little in the great Christmas letter tradition of bragging on our children, oops, I mean passing on their news. Amy, our oldest, has just taken on a new job as a major funds developer for Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego, where she and Ken live. Ed has recently been renewed in his relationship with our Lord Jesus. He lives in Callahan, Florida, with his wife, Shelly, and children. Stephen is moving back to Jacksonville, so we will get to see him over the holidays. Sarah is finishing up her first semester at the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism. She has had several articles published in Adelante, a bilingual campus-related newspaper, and one was picked up by the Columbia Business Times.

Finally, a brief loosely-related-to-Advent reflection from Harry: My “exile” over the last few months has not been so lonely. We have had wonderful visits with family and old friends and with new friends as well. We have lived in a comfortable apartment at the Furlough Home on the campus of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (near the library). Still, “exile,” even exile in paradise, has reached the point where I am longing to be back teaching and living life in Peru. One more month….

Merry Christmas, and may 2008 be a truly blessed year for all of you.


Debbie and Harry

The 2007 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 47
