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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Harry & Debbie Horne, completing their assignment in Peru

September 2012

Dear sisters and brothers,

The time to say goodbye to our sisters and brothers here in Peru is rapidly approaching as Harry’s retirement draws near.  To paraphrase what we used to say in the neighborhood, “Here it comes, ready or not!”  I honestly don’t know how to be ready to say goodbye to friends with whom we have shared the ups and downs of the last eight years of our life; to students with whom Harry has shared the teaching and learning process through countless hours of classroom dialogue; to colleagues at Joining Hands Peru and the Facultad de Teología y Religión (ex Recinto Universitario Teológico) who have invited us to share in their mission here in Peru; to the sisters and brothers in the IEP church who have been our church family, and we do not say “church family” lightly, for more than six years. 

I (Harry) have struggled to find the words to say thank you to the students for being so eager to learn that their eagerness inspires me; to say thank you to the administrators and the board of directors for doing their jobs so honestly and so well that my focus can simply be on the teaching and preparing for teaching.  For me there can be no greater honor than the one the students bestow on me when they call me “profe.” We have struggled to find the words to say thank you to the folks in the church for being concerned for us in the midst of all the things they are confronting in their lives; to friends for simply sharing the laughter and love that makes life good; to so many who have been students, colleagues, church family, and friends. 

We give thanks to God for all the blessings we have enjoyed here, and for the support you all have given us.  With your prayers and financial support you have undergirded all the good things that have happened here.  You have supported the efforts of students to learn to “see Jesus more clearly, follow Jesus more nearly, and love Jesus more dearly day by day.”  You have supported the ways their ministries have been shaped by what they learn.  You have supported the experiences and contributions of Young Adult Volunteers as they have shared life and mission with sisters and brothers in Christ here in Peru. 

Plans are for new people to come and teach in the Facultad de Teología y Religión, where I taught, and coordinate the YAV program that Debbie coordinated for the last four years.  We hope that they will enjoy the same support that has undergirded our ministries here.  It has been so important to us, and I know that it will mean a great deal to them as well. 

On September 25 we arrive back in Florida.  There we will begin building a house and the life we will live in it.  During October and November and the first half of December we hope to be able to personally thank as many of you all as possible.  You can communicate with us at the email below our name or using the link below to our PC(USA) e-mail, or by way of telephone, 850-339-9836, or at P.O. Box 159, Lee, FL 32059.  God bless you all for your support, and God bless you in the ministries you are undertaking in the name of Christ in the U.S.A. 



Debbie and Harry Horne

The 2012 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 23

Write to Harry Horne
Write to Debbie Horne
Give to Harry and Debbie Horne's sending and support






