PW Global Exchange
Every three years, a group of Presbyterian Women travels to another part of the world to learn about the lives of women in that part of the world and to share faith stories and ministries with each other. It is a global exchange because, the following year, a group of women from the same part of the world is invited to attend the Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women to tell their stories to their North American sisters.
Learn about the Global Exchange logo.
2017 Global Exchange to Indonesia
Building Bridges of Understanding
The 2017 Global Exchange will take a group of U.S. Presbyterian women to Indonesia, September 12–29, 2017. Guided by Romans 1:12 (“. . . so that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine”) participants will learn how to live respectfully in a multifaith culture and encourage and accompany one another as together they seek a more peaceful and just world. This fact-finding, relationship-building program will include one woman from each synod, who, following the trip, will share what she experienced with her synod. The application window has closed, but a participant listing and other information will be available soon. For additional information, contact PW’s associate for mission at 502/569-5402 or by email.
The U.S. women will be available to speak in their synods about the trip upon their return, and the January/February 2018 issue of Horizons will detail the trip. Indonesian women will complete the “exchange” part of the trip by attending the 2018 PW Gathering. Stay tuned for additional information.
Brief History of the PW Global Experiences
Global experiences began as a program of United Presbyterian Women. When United Presbyterian Women and Women of the Church merged in 1988 to become Presbyterian Women, international experiences continued as the Global Exchange program. Previous destinations were:
- 1973 Central Europe
- 1974 India and Nepal, emphasis — hunger
- 1977 Asian Encounter (Japan, Taiwan, Korea,Philippines)
- 1980 Asian Rim
- 1981 Las Americas Unidas (Central America)
- 1984 South Africa, emphasis — apartheid
- 1987 China
- 1988 Presbyterian Women is formed. The Global Exchange concept and practice begins.
- 1990 Australia, emphasis — indigenous people
- 1993 Eastern Europe
- 1996 Southeast Asia, emphasis — tourism and child prostitution
- 1999 Middle East, emphasis — issue surrounding the welfare of women and children and understanding roles of Islam, Judaism and Christianity in the Middle Eastern world
- 2002 Africa — Sisters Together: Listening With Our Hearts
- 2005 Brazil — Caminhada: Walking Together in Mutual Love and Hope
- 2008 Eastern Europe—Joined and Knit Together in Love
- 2011 India—Greatly Honored Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Justice
- 2014 Caribbean—One Heart, One Love, One Community
Concept Behind the Global Exchange Logo
The Presbyterian Women Global Exchange logo suggests
- Latitudes, longitudes and points held in between
- The compass rose
- Movement from the inside to the outside, outside to inside
- Colors of the earth, from desert to rainforest
- A stamp in a passport
- Not sitting comfortably, balanced on one spot