Learn about the Committee on Theological Education

The Committee on Theological Education (COTE) has General Assembly-mandated responsibility for developing and maintaining a comprehensive, denomination-wide plan for theological education. COTE seeks to identify, develop and propose strategies for a systemic approach to theological education within the PC(USA).
COTE serves as an advocate for theological education, seeking to support your seminaries(both financially and in other ways) and to strengthen them for their mission to the whole church. It is the body through which the seminaries report and are accountable to the denomination. COTE also serves as a two-way communication link between the denomination and its graduate theological institutions.
The mandate for COTE's ongoing work comes from General Assembly approval of reports and recommendations presented by two special committees: the Special Committee on Theological Institutions in 1986 and the Special Committee to Study Theological Institutions in 1993.
Download COTE's Pentecost Letter to the PC(USA).
The purpose and functions of COTE are outlined fully in the Manual of Operations.
Business items for COTE
Individuals who wish to propose business items for a COTE meeting should follow the Committee on Theological Education Agenda Development Guidelines. Note that proposed items for action or information are due 60 days before the COTE meeting.
COTE Spring 2013 Stated Meeting minutes
The meeting of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) was held March 19-21, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky and was hosted by the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
Meeting minutes
COTE Fall 2012 Stated Meeting minutes
The meeting of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) was held October 23-25, 2012, in Dubuque, Iowa and was hosted by the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.
COTE Fall 2011 Stated Meeting minutes
The meeting of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) was held September 13-15, 2011, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was hosted by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
COTE Spring 2011 Stated Meeting minutes
The Meeting of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) was held March 21 –23, 2011, in Austin, Texas and was hosted by Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
COTE Fall 2010 Stated Meeting minutes
The Meeting of the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) was held September 14 –16, 2010, in Chicago, Illinois and was hosted by McCormick Theological Seminary.
Who serves on COTE?
Twenty-three voting members sit around the Committee on Theological Education (COTE) table when it is convened twice each year. Included are:
- 10 presidents or deans representing PC(USA) seminaries.
- 11 pastors and laypersons elected by the General Assemby to represent the church-at-large.
- Two elected members of the General Assembly Mission Council who are appointed by that body to also serve on COTE.
Serving on COTE, with voice but no vote, are five corresponding members, including:
- The presidents of two seminaries that are related to the General Assembly by covenant agreement.
- A representative of the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation.
- Representatives from two nondenominational seminaries that educate a significant number of Presbyterian ministerial candidates.
Committee on Theological Education
Elected Members:
Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri (’16)
Executive Committee, Institutional Support Subcommittee
Interschool and Mission Cooperation Subcommittee, Chair
Miami, Florida
Mindy Douglas (’16)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee, Chair
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
José Irizzary (’16)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Nancy Ramsay (’17), Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Liaison
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee
Fort Worth, Texas
Kathryn Wolf Reed (’16), Chair of COTE
Executive Committee, Chair
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Theological & Church Concerns Subcommittee
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Chandler Stokes (’14)
Executive Committee
Institutional Support Subcommittee, Chair
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Max Sherman (’16)
Executive Committee
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Theological and Church Concerns Subcommittee, Chair
Austin, Texas
Landon Whitsitt (’16)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee
Liberty, Missouri
K. Nicholas Yoda (’14)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Theological & Church Concerns Subcommittee
Cincinnati, Ohio
Mary Elva Smith (’14)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Interschool and Mission Cooperation Subcommittee
Louisville, Kentucky
Alan Bancroft (’14)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Interschool & Mission Cooperation Subcommittee
Nashville, Tennessee
Matt Miles (’14)
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Interschool & Mission Cooperation Subcommittee
Fort Davis, Texas
Glen Snider (’14), Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Liaison
Institutional Support Subcommittee
Theological & Church Concerns Subcommittee
Safford, Arizona
Institutional Representatives:
Theodore Wardlaw
President, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Executive Committee
Theological & Church Concerns Subcommittee Austin, Texas
Stephen Hayner
President, Columbia Theological Seminary
Interschool and Mission Cooperation Subcommittee Decatur, Georgia
Jeffrey Bullock, Vice Chair of COTE
President, University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee Nominating Committee, Chair Dubuque, Iowa
Michael Jinkins
President, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Interschool & Mission Cooperation Subcommittee Louisville, Kentucky
Frank Yamada
President, McCormick Theological Seminary
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee Chicago, Illinois
Bill Carl
President, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Craig Barnes
President, Princeton Theological Seminary
Theological and Church Concerns Subcommittee Princeton, New Jersey
Jim McDonald
President, San Francisco Theological Seminary
Theological and Church Concerns Subcommittee San Anslemo, California
Paul Roberts
President/Dean, Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary
Executive Committee Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee Atlanta, Georgia
Brian K. Blount
President, Union Presbyterian Seminary
Interschool & Mission Cooperation Subcommittee Richmond, Virginia & Charlotte, North Carolina
Covenant Members:
Katharine Henderson
President, Auburn Theological Seminary
Theological & Church Concerns Subcommittee New York, New York
Sergio Ojeda-Carcamo
President, Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico
Interschool & Mission Cooperation Subcommittee San Juan, Puerto Rico
Corresponding Members:
Ron Kernaghan
Director of Presbyterian Ministries, Fuller Theological Seminary
Theological & Church Concerns Subcommittee Pasadena, California
Alvin Padilla
Director Hispanic Ministries, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Interschool & Mission Cooperation Subcommittee South Hamilton, Massachusetts
Gary Eller
President, Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation
Implementation & Interpretation Subcommittee Omaha, Nebraska
COTE's subcommitees do good work
In order to carry out their mandate, the Committee on Theological Education has established an executive committee, an insitutional committe and three permanent subcommittees.
The Executive Committee includes the chair and vice-chair of COTE, the chair of each of the four permanent subcommittees and one at-large member.
The Institutional Review Committee includes only the 13 elected members of COTE. This committee is responsible for the oversight of distribution of funds to the schools according to an agreed upon formula, proposing alteration of that formula when deemed necessary and the annual review of the health and stewardship of the seminaries by way of confidential interviews with each of the institutional representatives.
The Implementation and Interpretation Subcommittee includes institutional representatives as well as elected members. The primary work of the subcommittee is to implement and promote the Theological Education Fund (1% Plan) which provides the only denominationwide financial support for our seminaries. The subcommittee also seeks to interpret the mission of the schools as broadly as possible.
The Interschool and Mission Cooperation Subcommittee includes both elected and institutional representative members. It develops and facilitates partnership/cooperation among the seminaries and provides a forum for consideration of general policies and of overlapping or neglected programs. It also coordinates cooperative projects and programsthat involve the seminaries with other PC(USA) entities and governing bodies to carry out mission responsibilities of mutual concern to the participating groups.
The Theological and Church Concerns Subcommittee, including both elected and institutional representative members, is responsible for bringing to the attention of COTE initiatives and issues of concern within the PC(USA) and the ecumenical community about which the seminaries need to be informed for possible involvement. Provision of a theological reflection time during each meeting of COTE is also the responsibility of the subcommittee.