Union Seminary provides resources for churches and individuals to explore connection between theology and film

Union Seminary is offering an upcoming continuing education course devoted to theology and film and maintains a student-generated website on the subject as a way to provide resources and dialogue for individuals and congregations. Keep reading →
Union Presbyterian Seminary at a Glance
Richmond Campus
3401 Brook Rd.
Richmond, VA 23227
(804) 355-0671
Union Presbyterian Seminary at Charlotte
Dr. Thomas Currie, Dean
Queens College
1900 Selwyn Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28274
Students: 221 (307 FTE)
Faculty: 22 full-time, 20 part-time
Degrees offered
Master of Arts in Christian Education, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Education, Master of Theology, Doctor of Philosophy
Special programs
Asian American Ministry and Mission Center, Charlotte Campus Program with weekend classes, Communities of Learning, Extended Campus Program-hybride courses, including online and one-week campus component, International Travel Seminars, Leadership Institute
Union Presbyterian Seminary, a theological institution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), confesses the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Standing within the Reformed tradition, Union weaves together distinctive approaches to theological education for pastoral and educational ministries. Its mission is to educate and equip leaders for congregational life, theological scholarship and Christian service to the world and to be a theological resource to church and society.
History and Location
Since its formation in 1812, Union Theological Seminary (UTS) sustained the intention of its founders to provide education for Christian ministry that is scholarly, pastoral, and engaged with contemporary life.
A century later in 1914, in response to the needs of the church, the seminary was instrumental in establishing the Assembly's Training School (ATS) for Lay Workers, renamed the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in 1959. For 80 years, these two theological institutions labored side by side, preparing pastors and educators for work in congregations, church agencies and other institutions of Christian service. In 1997 the two institutions were united in federation, creating Union-PSCE, a new theological institution to serve the Presbyterian Church and the church worldwide.
The 56-acre Union campus, located in a historic residential area, is noted for its Victorian/Gothic style academic buildings. Richmond is rich in history and cultural opportunities. Union is only two hours from Washington, D.C., Atlantic beaches and the Blue Ridge Mountains. The new William Smith Morton Library is one of the largest theological libraries in the United States.
What programs does Union offer?
The Master of Divinity and the Master of Arts in Christian Education are the basic degrees awarded by Union. The first educates students for ordained ministry; the second prepares students for positions as professional educators in Christian congregations or other settings. Union offers a four-year dual degree combining these two disciplines. Two other dual degree programs are offered with Virginia Commonwealth University — the Master of Arts/Master of Social Work and the Master of Science in Criminal Justice/Master of Divinity. For educators who wish to concentrate on a particular area of Christian ministry, Union provides a one-year Education Specialist degree beyond the Master of Arts. Union also offers four advanced degrees: the Master of Theology, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Education.