World Mission: Better Together
We are thankful for all you do to support our work. Please watch a thank you message from Hunter Farrell, Director of Presbyterian World Mission, and grateful mission co-workers from around the world.

As churchwide funding changes, direct financial support from individuals (over and above their congregational giving), combined with Basic Mission Support from congregations, is vital to enable dedicated Presbyterian mission personnel to share the love of Jesus Christ in approximately 50 countries.
World Mission will send as many mission workers as the church will support. Your financial gift blesses our sisters and brothers in countries all across the globe by expanding World Mission’s capacity to respond to urgent requests for mission personnel.
Thank you!
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World Mission
Presbyterian World Mission brings God's global family together to heal the wounds of poverty and violence and proclaim God's saving love in Jesus Christ.
The year 2015 marks 178 years of international mission by the Presbyterian Church. Over the years, Presbyterian missionaries have planted churches, built hospitals, and started schools on every continent. The seeds sown by those missionaries have, in many places, developed into self-sustaining churches and institutions now led by local Christians. In fact, more than 94 million Christians around the world now belong to churches that were founded or co-founded by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) mission workers. Read more.
Read the latest news from World Mission.
Learn More About World Mission
World Mission's Strategic Direction - Presbyterians do mission in partnership - Core values - Stay connected - Presbyterians at work around the world
Empower and Support World Mission
Why support World Mission - Giving opportunities catalog - Mission worker prayer cards - Make the P.L.E.D.G.E.
Call to Mission
Presbyterian World Mission has launched three campaigns to engage in God's mission:
• Evangelism: Train Leaders for Community Transformation
• Global Poverty: Promoting Quality Education for One Million Children by 2020
• Reconciliation: Speak Up! Stop Sexual Violence