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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

map of Sudan

Sudan Partner Churches and Organizations

Presbyterian Church of SOUTH Sudan (PCOSS)

Ever since the first missionaries arrived in the Doleib Hill area of the Upper Nile State in 1902, the Presbyterian Church of Sudan has seen phenomenal growth. Yet it has also seen its share of pain and division. Because of the recent civil war, which was in progress off and on for 49 years, the Presbyterian Church of Sudan congregations were divided between those in rebel-controlled areas and those in government-controlled areas. The PCOSS operates kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, a Bible school, a pharmacy, bookshops, a youth department, a women’s work department, a mission and evangelism department and an education department. In spite of the tremendous difficulties faced by the people of the church, there is evidence of a vibrant and living faith among the faithful believers. The members of the PCOSS stand faithful in their call to be Christ’s body in the world and to witness to the Love of God in Christ Jesus to all.

SOUTH Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church (SSPEC)

The American Mission started in the northern part of Sudan as part of the Egypt-Sudan mission from the Presbyterian Church of North America. In 1964 all missionaries were expelled from the country, leaving the work of the mission in the hands of the Sudanese. And capable hands they were. The SPEC has grown in strength and numbers since that time, with congregations in all areas of northern and western Sudan and more recently in the Republic of South Sudan as a large percentage of SPEC members moved South in anticipation of the forming of this new country. . The SPEC is involved in a holistic ministry, including education for children, health work, literacy training for adults and evangelism. The SPEC has a vision of working in these areas of the north where there is a strong Muslim presence and of planting churches in these areas where there has been no Christian presence as well as planting churches in the Republic of South Sudan.


Across is a Christian NGO serving in Southern Sudan. It was founded in 1972 at the end of the Anyanya war, which lasted for 17 years from 1955 to 1972. At that time Across was an acroynm for "Africa Committee for Rehabilitation of Southern Sudan." Later it changed to “Association of Christian Resource Organizations Serving Sudan.” This has since changed and Across is no longer an acronym. The vision of Across is to see Sudan renewed by the works of the Holy Spirit with a church that is a light to Africa and the world. The mission of Across is to build the church and communities leading to Sudan being renewed.

SOUTH Sudan Council of Churches

The South Sudan Council of Churches exists to engage churches and people of good will in advocacy for peace, justice, equality, and human rights in the Sudan, and to enable member churches to acquire relevant skills and resources for ministering in word and service to the Sudanese people in general, and the poor in particular, in multi-faith, multi-ethnic and conflict situations.

Sudan Advocacy Action Forum (SAAF)

This is a major channel of Presbyterian efforts for advocacy for Sudan, which grew out of the Sudan Mission Network.


Established in March 2004, RECONCILE (Resource Center for Civil Leadership)was created by the New Sudan Council of Churches. These Sudanese churches aim to help victims recover from the trauma associated with the 22-year civil war in Sudan and more recent conflicts. They also help to lead a process of reconciliation and civic education  to contribute to nation building in the new Republic of South Sudan.

Nile Theological College - MALAKAL

 Nile Theological College-Malakal was founded to train South Sudanese pastors, theologians and Christian educators for the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan and the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. 

The college offers a quality education to women and men in preparation for serving Jesus Christ in the difficult circumstances of the Republic of South Sudan. 

Presbytery Partnerships


Sudan Mission Network

  • For more information contact Bill Andress, Debbie Braaksma or Paula Tibbs.
  • 2015 meeting: October 19-20, Louisville, KY. Address Inquiries to: Rev. Donna Havrisko, (724) 837 3540

The Sudan Mission Network is among more than 40 networks that connect Presbyterians who share a common mission interest. Most participants are involved in mission partnerships through congregations, presbyteries or synods. Network members come together to coordinate efforts, share best practices and develop strategies.

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