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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Gender Justice Ministries
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For more information:

Sera Chung 
(800) 728-7228, 5458
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100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

Issues in focus

Violence against women

Join the effort to end violence against women and children. Learn about the issue, get statistics and find resources and organizations to join to allow you to make a difference.

Learn more about violence against women

Women and military service

Public debate has been recharged regarding service of women in military combat roles with the war in Iraq. Get information to help you protect the rights and advancement of women currently serving in the military as well as learn about ongoing sexual assault against female soldiers.

Learn more about women and military service

Women and girls in prison

Many issues plague women who are tied up in the justice system. Women face sexual abuse, lack of medical care, imbalances of power, neglect, etc.

Learn more about women and girls in prison

Order free resources on reproductive options

In response to an action of the 218th General Assembly (2008) directing “the appropriate PC(USA) entities to redevelop congregational resource materials, on the subject of reproductive options, to more adequately reflect the full spectrum of biblical, theological, and pastoral counsel, while remaining consistent with the policy of the 1992 report of the Special Committee on Problem Pregnancies and Abortion and the 2006  policy on Late-Term Pregnancies and Abortion,” the Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministry area of the General Assembly Mission Council has redeveloped the following four brochures, which replace the previous versions. Order them from the church store.

When No Choice is Easy” 

When You Need Wisdom” 

There’s Always a Father

 “When Pregnancy Involves Loss” 

Turn Mourning Into Dancing!


Turn Mourning Into Dancing, approved by the 213th General Assembly (2001), explores the root causes of domestic violence and the church’s complicity and response to the problem. The term “domestic violence” in this policy statement and its rationale is used as an inclusive term to broadly encompass the abuse found in child/child, parent/child, spouse/spouse, partner/partner and adult child/aging parent relationships as well as violence that occurs in sibling and dating relationships. Three clear goals are advocated: first, to protect the victims from further abuse; second, stop the abuser’s violence and hold the abuser accountable; and third, restore the family relationship if possible or mourn the loss of relationship. A churchwide, community-based response strategy is presented and a study and action guide is included.


PDS #OGA01018


Training Curriculum on Sexual Abuse by Clergy

Produced by the Center for Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence, this is a comprehensive trainer's curriculum which includes background and scope of problem factors in crossing boundaries, ethical analysis of the issues, prevention and intervention. The kit includes two videos, study guides, brochures, trainer’s notebook, extensive background materials and a workshop manual.

Call (800) 728-7228, x5382 for more information or borrowing arrangements

The Presbyterian Mission Agency is engaged in advocacy for women and in gender justice ministries. The office supporting the Advocacy Committee for Women’s Concerns (ACWC) is located in the Executive Director’s office. Please contact Courtney J. Hoekstra, the Associate for Advocacy Committee Support for more information.
