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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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McGilvary College of Divinity, Payap University, Thailand

McGilvary College of Divinity was founded in 1888. The College is a department of Payap University. General support is needed to improve the buildings, classrooms, and technology. Gifts are also needed for academic enhancement in areas of library resources, web presence, field education, and producing research and teaching materials.

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McKean Rehabilitation Center, Thailand

McKean is a Christian rehabilitation center providing medical, surgical, spiritual, and socioeconomic ministry for people affected by leprosy. In Thailand, thankfully, the numbers of new leprosy cases is now decreasing. McKean has expanded its vision to integrate other disabled people in its hospital-based and community-based rehabilitation ministry, bringing new hope and quality of life to many.

E862251. Read more

Orphanage at Prachakittisuk Church, Thailand

The Church of Christ in Thailand founded the orphanage at Prachakittisuk in 2003 as a ministry to the community where many people have died from HIV/AIDS. The orphanage has children between ages 6 and 13 orphaned by AIDS. The orphanage provides shelter, food, medicine, clothing and scholarships. Currently there are seminary interns and one widow who work full-time at the orphanage supplemented by volunteer help from church members. The church helps other orphaned children in the community by providing scholarships, and it is also faced with the requirement of the Thai government to house the boys and the girls separately …

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Student Scholarship Fund, McGilvary College of Divinity, Payap University, Thailand

Scholarship aid and help with living expenses are needed for theological students. The university is expanding its outreach to sister churches in Myanmar (Burma), Laos and Vietnam and scholarship funds make leadership development in these countries possible. There are approximately 100 students, and tuition and room and board cost about $3000 per year.

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