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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Donate to Mission Matters: What Would It Take to Change the World? Part III


Gifts will help Across with relief projects in South Sudan in areas ravaged by civil wars; also, those displaced by the wars and provide project leadership in the areas of water, education, agriculture, cattle raising, food, and community health.

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Health Work, Presbyterian Church of South Sudan

Ravaged by years of war, communities in South Sudan lack many of the basic necessities for survival, including health services. Meanwhile people suffer in a vicious cycle of poverty and disease. Flare-ups of violence cause further harm and injury. Gifts to this account will focus on community health care.

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Nile Theological College (Juba) South Sudan

The Christian churches of Sudan continue to grow and flourish even in the face of the difficulties of surviving in a land torn by war and hostility. Through joint efforts of the Presbyterian and Evangelical churches, a school for the ministry organized in Khartoum in 1991. Following Independence of South Sudan in 2011, a new branch of NTC was opened in Malakal. Due to continuing conflict the NTC Malakal campus is now located in Juba. Your gifts will be used to strengthen the NTC Juba program. Gifts to this project may also assist with necessary related project expenses that are …

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Nile Theological College (Khartoum)

The Christian churches of Sudan continue to grow and flourish even in the face of the difficulties and the establishment of a new country, South Sudan. Through joint efforts of the Presbyterian and Evangelical churches, a school for the ministry has been organized in Khartoum, Sudan with a curriculum in Arabic, and another in Malakal, South Sudan, with an English curriculum. Your gifts will be used to strengthen these programs. Gifts to this project may also assist with necessary related project expenses that are essential to the successful completion of this project, such as mission personnel, travel and administrative support.

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Presbyterian Church Of South Sudan (PCOSS), General Support

The rapidly growing Presbyterian Church in South Sudan needs your support to maintain its traditional ministries of evangelism, Christian education, health, education and development in the Upper Nile while creating new ministries for its members and other displaced people.

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Presbyterian Relief & Development Agency

The Presbyterian Relief and Development Agency (PRDA) of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan serves the people of South Sudan to bring opportunities for development help in farming and other self-help enterprises, as well as midwifery training. It also provides short term relief responses. The country has had a long-running food security crisis because of ongoing conflict.

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Resource Center for Civil Leadership (RECONCILE)

RECONCILE was established in March 2004 by the new Sudan Council of Churches. Gifts will help equip communities in South Sudan with skills for sustainable peace through trauma healing, accountable governance and conflict resolution through courses at the RECONCILE Peace Institute and community-based trainings.

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South Sudan Council Of Churches

Provide ongoing support for the SSCC's ministries in the new Republic of South Sudan. The Council strives to encourage and strengthen through ecumenical cooperation ministry to communities that continue to experience the violence of ethnic hostility, have not recovered economically from the civil war, and who seek to build their lives with a new hope. Priority concerns are leader training, Internally Displaced People relief, community health, development and peacemaking.

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Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church, General Support

General support for work within the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church.

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Water and Sanitation For All

Without clean water, good health is impossible. In many parts of the world people suffer chronic and life-threatening illness and children die needlessly for lack of access to clean water and appropriate sanitation. Funds for this program provide technical assistance, equipment and training to develop and maintain sources of clean water and improved sanitation in needy communities.

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