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Text of the agreement by the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico (INPM), Presbyterian World Mission and Presbyterian Border Ministry

An agreement regarding Presbyterian Border Ministry was reached by the National Presbyterian Church of México (INPM), Presbyterian World Mission and Presbyterian Border Ministry (PBM) to establish a transition period through the end of December, 2011, with the following process regarding each local ministry site of PBM:

  • Each Mexican presbytery on the U.S./México border needs to decide as soon as possible about its participation in the ministry site.  If the Mexican presbytery decides to refrain from participation, the ministry site board will decide on its future ministry and partners.
  • If the Mexican border presbytery decides to participate, it will dialogue with its counterpart presbytery(ies) in the U.S. and with the board of directors of the ministry site, in order to see if the U.S. presbytery(ies) agree(s) to submit to the condition of the INPM: to disavow the PC(USA) 2010 General Assembly action on Amendment 10-A regarding ordination standards.  If the U.S. presbytery(ies) choose(s) not to submit to the INPM’s condition, the ministry site board will decide on its future ministry and partners.
  • If presbyteries from both countries agree, they will then be able to establish a local covenant, and the ministry site board will develop its ministry plan.  If no agreement is reached, the ministry site board will decide on its future ministry and partners.
  • During this period of transition, Presbyterian World Mission will facilitate a process of participatory evaluation -- together with the ministry site board – to determine its involvement, according to World Mission’s strategic plan.
  • The PC(USA) and INPM will maintain open dialogue during this time of transition.

Presbyterian Border Ministry sites include:

Pueblos Hermanos

Compañeros en Misión

Frontera de Cristo

Pasos de Fe

Proyecto Amistad

Puentes de Cristo
