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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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Map of Nicaragua and surrounding countries


Find mission workers in Nicaragua


Addressing Poverty through Partnership, by Heidi Worthen Gamble, Mission Advocate for the Presbytery of the Pacific (on the Dallas II: Better Together blog)

Living Waters for the World, CEPAD, others collaborate to expand water purification systems in Nicaragua


The 1972 earthquake that devastated the city of Managua brought the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) into mission work in Nicaragua through disaster relief.

The PC(USA) still supports disaster relief in Nicaragua at appropriate times and now accompanies the witness of the Christian community through our partners and mission personnel. Shared ministries include theological and leadership development, travel/study opportunities, preventive care and community health, and agricultural development. Nicaraguan groups minister to PC(USA) through congregation and presbytery partnerships.

A brief history of Nicaragua.

Nicaragua Partner Churches and Organizations

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) relates to a wide variety of institutions in Nicaragua, the Moravian Church of Nicaragua being the principal denominational partner. Historically the Moravian church has worked mostly on the Atlantic coast among the indigenous and Creole communities. Recently, however, the church has broadened its mission and ministry and has begun to work on Nicaragua's Pacific coast. The Moravian Church is known for its ecumenical commitment and efforts for peace and reconciliation in Nicaragua. Education is one of its highest priorities.

The Council of Evangelical Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD) is a ministry of evangelical churches working together in development and emergency relief and acting as a voice for the evangelical community. Twenty-eight denominations are voting members of CEPAD. The Council works in 39 communities and is well known and respected throughout the country. PC(USA) mission personnel work on the CEPAD Report, which offers news and analysis of current events in Nicaragua, and in the office of the Nehemiah Program, which helps Christians from around the world visit with Nicaraguan Christians, learn from them, and share their faith journey.

Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches of Latin America (AIPRAL)

Partner Organizations

As an expression of its support for education, the PC(USA) relates to the Baptist Seminary, the Politechnical University of Nicaragua, and the Evangelical Faculty of Theological Studies (FEET). These three institutions provide Nicaraguan Christians with theological education as well as basic high school and university courses.

FEET is a project of the Interchurch Center for Theological and Social Studies (CIEETS), which does research on the development of the evangelical church in Nicaragua and also carries out community development projects in the countryside. Through the efforts of FEET the Evangelical University of Nicaragua (UENIC) has been established.

Presbytery partnerships

Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy
Greater Atlanta Presbytery
Hudson River Presbytery
Presbytery of Lake Michigan
Presbytery of Missouri River Valley
Presbytery of Pueblo

Nicaragua Mission Network

The Nicaragua Mission Network is among more than 40 networks that connect Presbyterians who share a common mission interest. Most participants are involved in mission partnerships through congregations, presbyteries or synods. Network members come together to coordinate efforts, share best practices and develop strategies.

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