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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Public Education
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Louisville, KY 40202

Pray for Schools

Pray the Newspaper

Scan the local newspaper for headlines, pictures, editorials and stories that relate to public education. As you bring your attention to each one, hold it up before God. Pray for all those mentioned in or influenced by the issues in the story or picture. Listen for God’s word to you about each issue or person.

Pray Through Photographs

Locate photos of local schools, children and staff. Focus your full attention on each picture. Bring the subject of the photograph before God in prayer.

Pray the School Lunch Menu

Many school districts publish the school lunch menu for the week in the local newspaper. Read over the menu. Bring to your attention to the school lunch personnel who prepare and serve the food and offer a prayer for them. Then bring to your consciousness the children and young people for whom the food is prepared. Offer a special prayer for children for whom this may be the only meal of the day. Pray a blessing for the food, for those who prepared it and for those who will be eating it.

Pray Through a Walking Tour

If you have an opportunity to tour a local school, incorporate silent prayer into your tour. Pray for classrooms, students, teachers and staff as you walk. Use a simple intercessory breath prayer, such as, “Lord Jesus, hold this teacher close to your heart.”

Pray Through Intercessory Imaging

Imagine the face of a child, teacher, principal or other staff member. Consciously bring that person to God in prayer. Or imagine a specific situation or crisis being experienced by your district. Offer the situation to God. Listen for the moving of the Spirit in response to the situation. Listen for God’s word to you about it.

Pray on Behalf of Children Beginning the School Day

At the time when schools begin for the day in your district, offer a prayer for all children and teachers, that the day may be productive and stimulating.

Pray for School Board Members by Name

Find out the names of your school board members. Pray daily that they may be granted wisdom and discernment in doing their jobs. If you are unable to attend school board meetings, pray for the board’s deliberations during the time of the meeting.
