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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women
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Kathy Randall and Sara Hill at 2015 Gathering

Aunt and niece duo Kathy Randall and Sara Hill eagerly await a plenary session during the 2015 Churchwide Gathering. Photo by Michael Martin.

A family Gathering

By Kathryn Baker

Sara Hill and her aunt, Kathy Randall, attended the Gathering together. Kathy is a long-time Churchwide Gathering participant and planner, and chaired the 2012 PW Churchwide Gathering in Orlando. Sara is a wife, mother and associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Dodge, Iowa. And this was Sara’s first PW Churchwide Gathering. She didn’t know much about the event, but when she saw publicity, she asked her Aunt Kathy about it. She and Kathy, a member of St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church in New Orleans, decided to attend together.

When asked what has impressed Sara about the 2015 Gathering, she replied, “The mission partners.” She said that seeing God at work all over the world and Presbyterian Women’s presence through offerings, study and advocacy is a powerful witness. She has also enjoyed seeing connections and “how many people Kathy knows.”

Kathy responded it is gratifying to see Sara’s receptiveness toward components of the Church that she hasn’t experienced before.

Sara added, “I am continually surprised by the depth of the PC(USA), which is evident here, especially in the exhibit area.” It is there she has developed an understanding of the interconnectedness of the PC(USA) and Presbyterian Women.

When asked if this Gathering is any different than previous ones, Kathy noted that much is the same—the smiles, hugs and reconnecting with friends. She particularly enjoyed the recognition of PW staff on the floor of plenary and the Celebration held on Friday night, with recognition of the Mission Partners. The introduction of the gifts Mission Partners bring by using the large screen technology really brought the partnership of churches around the world up close and personal.

Sara said that she plans to take back the importance of PW’s breadth and global outreach to her congregation. There are four circles in the congregation, two of which use the PW/Horizons Bible Study. She said she will certainly promote PW Bible study’s use.

Kathy said she sees significance in the Come to the Waters study, especially in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. She wanted to let people know that on this weekend, 10 years after the hurricane, 100 youth from Texas are at St. Charles participating in rebuilding efforts. The church and PW have not forgotten.

Time together at the Gathering for aunt and niece is precious to both of them. They agreed, “The best part of the Gathering is doing it with you.”
