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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Racial Justice
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Sera Chung
(800) 728-7228, x5458
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100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202

A Vision for the 21st Century

God created human beings, a diverse family, to live together and to love one another as God loves us. We violate God's intention for the human family by creating false categories of value and identity, based on identifiable characteristics such as place of origin and skin color. We use these categories to create a race-based society which benefits some while oppressing others.

We affirm that racism is a sin which violates God's purpose for humanity and is contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We confess our complicity in the creation and maintenance of racist structures and systems in all parts of our nation's life, including the church itself. We commit to confront spiritually the idolatry and ideology of white supremacy and white privilege. We also covenant to become an antiracism community a reflection of God’s Beloved Community, resisting racial oppression and working to overcome racism within our own life and the life of the society by blending social analysis, institutional reconstruction and individual healing with discernment, prayer and worship-based action.

Our office seeks opportunities to partner with the church in this cause. We are a resource to support you in your mission to combat racial injustice and to further the dream of God’s Beloved Community.  As demographics in our country are rapidly changing, issues of immigration, welcoming one’s neighbor, and working for peace and justice will be continually before most congregations in the United States.

Our offices are available:

  • to conduct Cultural Proficiency Training
  • to train anti-racism facilitators in your area
  • provide a safe place to talk about this difficult subject
  • to assist you in strategizing a mission initiative to stop racial oppression in your area.

We are not experts but co-missioners in this ministry as Christ has called us to be reconciling agents in this life.

For more information on racial justice, please contact Sera Chung, the associate for gender and racial justice.