Mission stories for Sunday New Testament readings
Revised Common Lectionary, Year C
Click on the links below to read stories from PC(USA) mission workers that illustrate Sunday lectionary New Testament readings for Year C of the Revised Common Lectionary. Find other stories in letters from mission workers by visiting pcusa.org/missionconnections
To view the PC(USA) lectionary readings and devotions page, click here.
- March 13, John 12: 1-8 - anointing, sacrificial act of devotion
- Palm Sunday, Luke 19: 28-40 - triumphal entry as a sign of His messianic reign as the Prince of Peace
- Easter Day, John 20: 1-18 - The Empty Tomb
- April 3, John 20: 19-31 - Doubting Thomas and overcoming fear
- April 10, John 21: 1-19 - commissioning of Peter, feed my lambs, love/loyalty/faithfulness
- April 17, John 10: 22-30 - Oh's Transformation
- April 24, John 13: 31-35 - A New Commandment - LOVE
- May 1, John 14: 23-29 - Faith and Hope
- May 8, John 17: 20-26 - Ethiopian Women Face Challenges
- Day of Pentecost, John 14: 8-17, 25-27 - Thy Kingdom Come
- Trinity Sunday, John 16: 12-15 - Difficult Transitions
- May 29, Luke 7: 1-10 - Glimpses of Progress
- June 5, Luke 7: 11-17 - Out of the Ashes
- June 12, Luke 7: 36-8:3 - Extravagant Generosity
- June 19, Luke 9: 18-24 - Life-Giving Words in Anyuak
- June 26, Luke 9: 51-62 - On the Streets of Dhaka
- July 3, Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20 (coming soon)
- July 10, Luke 10: 25-37 - An Open Heart
- July 17, Luke 10: 38-42 - God's Word, the Most Needful Thing
- July 24, Luke 11: 1-13 - "Thy Will Be Done"
- July 31, Luke 12: 13-21 - A Ministry of Healing Built on Relationships
- August 7, Luke 12: 32-38 (coming soon)
- August 14, Luke 12: 49-56 (coming soon)
- August 21, Luke 13: 22-30 (coming soon)
- August 28, Luke 14: 1, 7-14 - God Chose the Weak...