“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”
— 1 Corinthians 12:12
Learn about the Presbyterian Mission Agency
For over 200 years, Presbyterians have been responding to the call of Jesus Christ, taking the gospel into all the world and bearing witness to Christ’s saving love to the ends of the earth. Today the Holy Spirit is still on the move, calling us to share in what God is doing in the world. As your partner in Christ’s service, the Presbyterian Mission Agency is faithfully working to inspire, equip, and connect all Presbyterians to do Christ's mission, bringing together congregations, worshiping communities, mid councils, mission networks, and other parts of the church ecosystem as they nurture and shape disciples and serve Christ in the world.
The Presbyterian Mission Agency is the ministry and mission agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Four ministry areas carry out our work: Compassion, Peace and Justice; Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries; Theology, Formation and Evangelism; and World Mission. Together with Shared Services, Communications, and Funds Development, these ministry areas work to inspire, equip, and connect all Presbyterians for the church’s work.
What are the responsibilities of the Presbyterian Mission Agency?
Learn about the Presbyterian Mission Agency at a glance
Get the 2014 Annual Report
In 2014, the Presbyterian Mission Agency was guided by faith in God’s plan to transform the world, by hope in Christ Jesus, and with love in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Read about the highlights of our progress in the 2014 Annual Report.
Funding Trends of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, 2004–2014
Read about how many different sources of funding help the Presbyterian Mission Agency support the mission of the whole church. Covers the 11-year period of 2004 through 2014.

Marilyn Gamm
Marilyn Gamm is chair of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board. Email Marilyn Gamm.
Read Marilyn’s monthly column “Great Co-Mission”

Josephene Stewart
Josephene Stewart is vice chair of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board. Email Josephene Stewart
Meet the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Members