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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Worship and the Arts
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Get artwork from the Presbyterian Center

The Presbyterian offices in Louisville house a wide variety of religious art, including many works that were created for the Presbyterian Planning Calendars. A number of those works are available here to download and use free of charge for bulletin covers and projection images in worship. (Please credit artists as indicated in each collection.) We hope this artwork will deepen your understanding of scripture and enliven your worship.

Moses and Ramses

A colorful oil painting of Moses and Ramses.This large-scale oil on canvas painting by Louisville native Mark Priest presents a scene from the Old Testament story of Moses, God’s advocate to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. In the painting, the pharaoh mourns the death of his son — a death brought about by the last plague sent by God to demonstrate God’s authority over Egypt and God’s desire to free the Israelites. After losing his son, the pharaoh granted the Israelites freedom.


“Christ En Croix” (Christ on the Cross)

A warm-colored oil painting of Christ on the cross, with his followers below him.A color aquatint signed in black, dated 1936, by French artist George Rouault, 1871–1958. Christ on the cross divides the picture plane into quadrants with sky above and mourners flanking either side. It is depicted in deep colors with strong black outlines in the compositional style of stained glass windows for which Rouault is so well known. Rouault is an outstanding religious artist, and his work of this style is iconic in its focus and intensity.




Peacemaking Offering for World Communion Sunday

A colorful quilt with a sun, crescent moon, clouds, mountains and a forest-like background.

This six-foot banner at the denominational offices in Louisville was created to illustrate the Peacemaking Offering for World Communion Sunday on October 5, 1997. This design was originally drawn in oil pastel by Dorothea B. Kennedy and was translated into fabric by Gloiela Yau Dolak. As the mountains and hills rejoice, the thirsty of all nations are invited to come to the water; the hungry are invited to come to the table. Everyone is welcome.


