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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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Christian Volunteers in Thailand

Celebrating More Than 50 Years of Service!

Since the early 1960s, Christian adults of all ages have been giving two years of their lives in service to our partner church in Thailand. Most have served as English teachers in 27 different private Christian schools scattered across this Southeast Asian nation of 65 million people, which has been listed as one of the world's top ten vacation destinations for the past ten years. Whether these young adults and retirees have come for adventure, for a chance to do something different, for the opportunity to learn more about a country and culture not their own, or because they have felt the call of God in their hearts, they have touched the lives of hundreds of Thai people, sharing the love and grace of God through their service.

Since her appointment in 2011, Mission Co-Worker Sharon Bryant has served as Coordinator of Christian Volunteers in Thailand (CVT) for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Today, the short-term mission workers who come to Thailand with the CVT Program work in many different schools and ministries of the national ecumenical Protestant church that has been a partner to U.S. Presbyterian mission work since Protestant missionaries first came to Thailand in 1828. Some teach English, some teach Christian education classes, some pastor churches, some teach music, some work with human trafficking and child protection. The CVT Program staff work hard to find placements that match the right person with the right opportunity. With the right match, the program not only makes an impact on Thai people, it also changes the lives of those who come to serve. To learn more about how this ministry has touched the lives of CVT mission workers themselves, read their stories below.

If you are interested in becoming a CVT mission worker, you can find more information about this program by visiting or by emailing to Mission Co-Worker Sharon Bryant at


CVT Mission Stories

Ben Ewert -

My time in Thailand as a CVT mission worker was a time of learning about myself.  And I learned a lot about myself during the two years that I served there. I learned that I loved the spontaneous hugs that first graders gave me when they got to know me and they loved the music that I shared with them when I played my guitar. (read more)

Lindsey Monroe - 

We never know what God will call us to do, but if we listen to His call He will be faithful to look after us and take care of us. He will never stretch us beyond what we can handle. If we truly trust Him, the things we will see and do will be greater than we can ever imagine on our own. (read more)

Lou Peters -

Every day is like playing roulette; you never know what your classroom is going to be like that day. Sometimes they all look and act like little gremlins. Other days I see 30-40 different faces of our Father. These are the days that completely humble me. These 7–year-olds can make me laugh so hard that I have to step outside. Or they run up to me, wrap their arms around my waist, squeeze me, don’t say a word, and then just run off. (read more)

Otoli Tuccu -

This journey is definitely the best way, not only to teach a language, but also to share the love of God with these wonderful children.  We are the ones who need to reach out to these kids and witness Christ to them by showing our love and care for them. (read more)


For Additional Information:Yesenia Ayala - Mission Specialist, Asia Office
(800) 728-7228, x5339
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