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A letter about the ministry of Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson serving in Peru

September 2015 - ¨Whom shall I send?¨

Written by: Tammy L. Buchanan
First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Tennessee

The congregation of First Presbyterian Church (FPC), Jackson, Tennessee, participated in a mission trip, June 19-28, 2015, with Iglesia Evangélica Peruana (IEP) “Villa el Sol” in Cusco, Peru, and their sister church in the outlying community of Ccorcamarca. From our congregation 17 members journeyed to Peru. In the months leading up to the trip the congregation prayed for discernment, participated in fund-raising efforts, and collected items to stock the Villa el Sol Christian Education classrooms. Along with the items collected for Christian Education, the FPC team collaborated on the construction with the Villa el Sol church of 17 tables and 34 benches to serve the needs of the Christian Education classes and also provide additional seating for a future community soup kitchen. 

The sanding team.

Finished project! (Just the benches are finished! God is still at work in the lives of ALL of those terrific girls!)

In unity with PC(USA) World Mission, FPC sought to engage U.S. Presbyterians and global partners for faithful and effective participation in God’s world mission and to grow together as communities. Prayer gave the FPC mission committee the discernment to outline three objectives for considering overseas mission work: (1) Mutually fostering leadership in local churches with mission co-workers; (2) Promoting connectional church relationships; and (3) Supporting the vision and work of an overseas church. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, First Presbyterian Church came to know that Peru would be the location of their international mission trip.

While Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson, PC(USA) mission co-workers in Peru, were in the United States visiting churches, several members of the FPC missionary team were able to visit with them. The philosophy and work of Sara and Rusty was the model that matched FPC objectives, and Peru was selected for the mission trip. Preparation included thoughtful consideration that some participants had experienced mission trip work. Yet, for others, Peru was their “maiden voyage” mission trip. Truthful discussion followed for possible challenges or transitions, and how to best embrace the range of talents. Each person was met in the place “where they were” in their own journey. Faithful obedience to God’s calling also yielded a receptive trust that God had a purpose in assembling the mission team. Sara and Rusty assisted in “filling-in-the-blanks” with everything from the details of how to pack for the travel to acclimatizing to the altitude upon arrival. Most important, Sara and Rusty introduced the team to the culture of Peru and the history of the Quechua people, and they bridged the relationships between the FPC team and the IEP Villa el Sol community.     

As Matthew 28:19-20 teaches, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” the mission trip provided an opportunity for people to encounter and reflect the life-changing presence of Christ.  The members of FPC were warmly welcomed by Pastor Leopoldo Quispe and the Villa el Sol congregation. The FPC members also appreciated the opportunity to serve alongside the members of Villa el Sol to accomplish the goals they had prayerfully established. Their goals were sustainable, added to greater independence of the community, and expanded Christ’s outreach in their own community. 

Worship, Prayer and Pachamanca in Ccorcamarca, Peru.

From the learning opportunity to a favorite interest in soccer, the reasons that moved different members to participate varied. Building relationships was a common goal. John Junn, a youth member of FPC and first-time mission team member, reflected: “My favorite sport is soccer, which is also Peru's favorite, so I thought I would be able to make a relationship with people there through soccer.  I brought a soccer ball and gave it to the youth. They loved it, which made me connected with them.”

What was anticipated was often different from what was actually experienced along the journey. Witnessing the union of two churches across continents manifesting one body of Christ was beautiful. The uncertainty of how language and cultural barriers would be overcome was met with the Spirit’s transcending grace. By the Spirit, people are universally connected and there were no barriers to understanding the hopes of a mother for her children, the concerns of a father seeking work, the aspirations youth have for education, and the desire to feed the hungry. Similarity of hopes, sorrows, joys and dreams and the common belief in the healing power of prayer was transparent. The Peruvian people shared the beauty of their Andes Mountains, portrayed ancient stories by connecting through the arts, and infused cultural flavors of the land through food. After a time of worship and prayer in Ccorcamarca, the FPC members were happily surprised that the host church members had even prepared a ‘huatiya’ meal to share—varieties of potatoes cooked in an earthen oven—a traditional way of cooking that dates back to the Inca Empire. The FPC mission team found the short-term work was accomplished and a long-term, sustainable relationship in Christ will continue.

First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Tennessee, U.S.A., and IEP Villa el Sol of Cusco, Peru, will continue their coming together in Christ through prayer exchange. Additionally there is interest in planning fund-raisers to help with needs encountered such as water purification, provision of kitchen supplies for meal preparation, health and wellness initiatives, educational support for school uniforms and supplies, and educational/life-skill mentoring alongside the women and men of the community for improved family environment and job opportunities. We plan a return trip to Peru to continue building on the established relationships.

The mission trip developed a greater appreciation of how the body of Christ works together—no matter the place, culture, language, or socioeconomic background. The encounter with the people of Peru was humbling and their faith and reliance on God was inspiring. The Peruvian congregation moved the FPC members to push the boundaries, put faith into greater practice, and place even greater reliance and trust in God.

There was a gentle assurance that each person would be transformed from the place “where they were” when the mission work began. FPC team member Linda Butler expressed this: “I was encouraged by the sharing of faith, hospitality, and gratitude among the people we met. The journey served as a point of spiritual growth where lives are impacted well beyond the time spent on the trip.” 

Serving in missions is an active way to be the church of Jesus Christ in and for the world. When you hear God ask, “Whom shall I send?” be encouraged to respond, “Here I am, Lord. I will go, Lord, if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.” Participation in missions offers the chance to meet God in a living way while strengthening global learning amidst a variety of perspectives. Through mutual transformation, participants hopefully come to better understand how God is with us, ministers in and through us, and is available to and present with each person, in every part of the world.

Our mission team with mission co-workers Rusty and Sara.

Team: Eden Abbott, Greg Abbott, Tammy Buchanan, Linda Butler, Allie Cowles, Ceil Cowles, Ty Cowles, James Harris, Rebecca Hurt, John Junn, Rev. Sharon Junn, Samantha Morgan, Brenda Welling, Forrest White, Rev. John White, Kathlene White, Susannah White, Mission Co-workers: Rev. Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson

The 2015 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 54
Read more about Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson's ministry

Write to Sara Armstrong
Write to Rusty Edmondson
Individuals: Give online to E200530 for Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson's sending and support
Congregations: Give to D507510 for Sara Armstrong and Rusty Edmondson's sending and support

Churches are asked to send donations through your congregation’s normal receiving site (this is usually your presbytery).
