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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Rochelle and Tyler Holm in Malawi

July 2014 - Not much of a Break

Hello from Malawi,
The University of Livinigstonia, Faculty of Theology, located in the northern Malawi town of Ekwendeni, has just finished another successful term, the students have returned to their home villages, and the final exams are graded. The University of Livingstonia, Faculty of Theology, is training students studying to be ministers in the Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP).

Mzuzu market

With the closing of the academic year we are especially excited, but also sad, to see some of the Faculty of Theology graduating students moving on to other things.  This year all of the students who have just graduated from the Faculty of Theology were ministerial students identified by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian as future leaders in the church, supported by the local Synod and overseas partners.  We are thankful for the commitment of many U.S. partners to sending scholarship support for our students.  Soon the recently graduated students will be assigned to congregations as new ministers.  

Each of the students had a unique story of how they were called to serve the church, but one student has stood out.  He was younger than most and, while most of our students marry young and arrive at the University already husbands or wives and parents, this young man was one of the few single students.  Additionally, while most students come from the northern region of Malawi, he was the rare southerner.  Despite these differences, he stood out as a leader in his faith and rigorous attention to his studies. We got to see him grow in his faith and leadership—and also witness his marriage last year.

Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Synod of Livingstonia Church in Ekwendeni

Looking back on the academic year, it is moving how the students at the Faculty commit to share the love of God through Jesus Christ as part of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian.  Evangelism is one of the Critical Global Initiatives of Presbyterian World Mission. All of our students have contributed to the character of the school in their different ways, and we wish them all the best and look to hear of their future successes.

Over the next two months there is not much of a break, as the Faculty will be performing a curriculum review before the new academic year starts again in September.  In the new academic year Tyler will continue serving the University by teaching Bible Knowledge, leading Bible reading groups for students, and supporting the IT needs of the University faculty and students.

In other news, Malawi held elections for presidential, parliamentary, and local elections on Tuesday, May 20.  Although a very close race, the incumbent President has turned over power to the opposition.
It is the “cold” season now in Malawi.  It has been cool recently, lows around 60F, which is relatively “cold” to us.  Our garden at the house is doing well and is allowing us a bit more variety to our diet, which we appreciate.  We also are loving that it is avocado season, which means we find ways to slip avocados into most meals.

Prayer requests:

•    For the adoption process for Baby Girl that we will start in the coming weeks and months.  For the process to be smooth, quick, and for His hand in decisions by all involved.
•    The University of Livingstonia during the upcoming break between terms will do the first major curriculum review in the 10 years of operation.  For staff to be open to new ideas and have a shared vision on how to best prepare students for ministry.
•    For our remaining financial need to support our appointment under Presbyterian World Mission.  We are prayerful the remaining ~$8,000 needed to be raised in the 2014 calendar year will be provided and is part of His plan.
•    The country of Malawi, its government, its leaders, its students, and its future.

We treasure your great love and encouragement, and we are thankful that God has permitted us to reach this point and continue on in the world of theological education, water, and sanitation in Africa. Please consider supporting us financially, which allows us to serve as Long-Term Volunteers under Presbyterian World Mission.  We pray that God gives you energy and stamina in your journey and being a blessing to others; you surely are that to us.

Grace and Peace,
Tyler, Rochelle and Baby Girl Holm

The 2014 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 143
Read more about Rochelle and Tyler Holm's ministry

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: Give toD507572 for Rochelle and Tyler Holm's sending and support
